

痛風在古代被稱為帝王病,後來又被稱為富貴病,好發於喜愛大魚大肉,飲食中常攝取過高嘌呤的人。痛風發作時,人體許多部位特別是關節處,會紅腫熱痛導致無法行走,在臺灣多達50萬人深受此病所苦。研究指出,運動員罹患痛風的比例高於正常人10到15倍左右,許多名人例如前中華棒球隊總教練徐生明或是NBA籃球員Dan Nelson…等都罹患痛風。究竟痛風的定義與症狀為何?為什麼運動員特別容易罹患痛風?痛風該如何治療與預防?痛風患者做運動時需注意哪些事?本文期望透過文獻的整理,來探討痛風與運動的關係。


痛風 運動員


Known as "empire disease" in ancient times, andcalled "the wealth man's illness" later, gout appears more often on those who consume too much fish, meat or food containing high purine. As gout breaks out, parts of human bodies, especially the joints, will get swollen, heated and hurt, which causes people not to walk. In Taiwan, up to 500,000 people suffer deeply from gout. Research indicated that the ratio of athletes' stricken with gout is ten to fifteen times more than that of common people. Many distinguished people, such as Shen-ming Shiu, the former head coach of CBA and Dan Nelson of NBA player, suffered from gout. What are definition and symptoms of gout? Why do athletes suffer from gout easily? How do wetreatand prevent gout? What should sufferers pay attention to? This article is expected to discuss about the relation between gout and exercise by sorting the scientific literature


Gout Athlete

