  • 期刊


The Relationships between English Reading Strategies, and Reading Performance of Senior High School Students with Learning Disabilities




In this research, we aim to investigate the relationship between English reading strategies and reading abilities in senior high school students with learning difficulties (LD). We used the English Modified Survey of Reading Strategies Questionnaire and the General English Proficiency Test for the Elementary Level in the study. A total of 286 questionnaires were collected. Findings suggest the following: (1) the English performance of students with LD was significantly lower than that of mainstream students; (2) the frequency of using reading strategies were medium or low in students with LD; (3) students with LD who scored higher in the English reading performance tended to use problem-solving strategies in reading; on the other hand, students with LD who scored lower in the English reading performance tended to use supportive strategies in reading; (4) there was a positive correlation between English reading strategies and reading abilities. School educators might use the study's results to better serve students with learning disabilities. Extended future research is also recommended.


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