  • 會議論文


Growth of Young Children's Learning Ability of the Environment and Security




運動遊戲課程 遊戲 安全


In view of kindergarten children grow up learning is education in addition to other important activities outside the home and workplace learning, the study researchers to explore ”safety of the children” as young children growing up today are focusing on one topic, so safety education concepts such as the way to be able to take root down the implementation of the verdict during early childhood, the lives of children in general will provide better protection and a healthy environment for the growth. 21 is a technological era, as domestic economic growth and gradually rising and most of the family relationship between the trend of declining birthrate, kindergarten children's growth and education in the process, play a very important role, according to the Child Safety Foundation of Culture and Education Fund, Jing-Juan Council (2004) sample of one thousand and eighty-three parents, and found worthy of public places considered safe recreational facilities, only 16% of parents believe that children's play facilities, enough domestic security. 43% of children have an average weekly use of play equipment in public places, places to go in sequence is most parks, nurseries and fast food, but more than 80% of parents believe the park's play equipment unsafe, followed by elementary school (50%) and fast food (36%). Survey found that nearly 30% children in the use of recreational facilities have been injured, more than 60% occurred in the park, the most common injury is playing when they were hit, the ratio of up to 55%. Children are the future masters of country, to give children a good education is to develop the future of our children become a national basis. In the children's lives, most contact with the family and school environment that is people and things. Now, however, changes in family structure of society, from the original traditional single-salary into a common family of double income families, most of the parents, the daily life and hard to work with, so that children get along with the reduced time.


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