  • 期刊


Applying the Technology of Temperature Sensing to Control Room Temperature


背景:人口老化問題伴隨而來的是居家看護問題,天氣變冷或季節變換之際總有老人家發心血管疾病發病的個案,也因全球氣候變異而加劇疾病發生率及死亡率。目的:如何保護老人家居家的溫度不至於因氣候驟降而造成遺憾,資訊科技的產品正提供了多種家庭自動化的功能,本研究建置一套室內溫度警示系統,當溫度低於所設定之溫度時,手機即會發出警示,提醒家人注意,提供老人家所在處的溫度適溫。方法:行動裝置提供「行動通訊技術」與「Arduino感測技術」整合,應用此兩者-智慧型手機與微型控制板Arduino,建置一套溫度的感測器。並利用面對面訪談方式,探討使用者的感受。結果:本研究應用Ardunio與App技術,整合兩者的功能,其中App Inverntor2負責製作apk作為手機程式,Arduino作為開發溫度感測的功能,設計與製作一套居家溫度控制與警示系統。並針對此裝置的E化實用性以及效果進行訪談,訪談對象為5位長者及其家屬,訪談結果非常支持此技術的應用,其中手機app的應用,更提高使用者的興趣。結論/實務應用:透過手機的App提醒,隨時提供室內溫度是否低於常溫。


居家安全看護 App Arduino


Background: Home care is a serious problem which coming along with the aging population. The cold weather and season change then cause a serious problem to the elderly. The elderly with cardiovascular disease incidence of the case. Home care focusing on the control of temperature would increase the quality. Purposes: The home care of the elderly on controlling the temperature would reduce the accidence of death. This study designed and implemented a temperature warning system. When the temperature is lower than the set temperature, the cellphone will be issued a warning to remind the family to pay attention to the elderly at the temperature of the appropriate temperature. Methods: Mobile devices provide both mobile communication technology and Arduino sensing technology. This study applies both technologies to build a temperature system. The sensor of Arduino pass the temperature to the app application and show out a warning beep and message to the mobile device. A face-to-face interview was conducted to analysis the satisfaction of this system. Results: "Quality of construction" is influenced by the following dimensions (in descending order of importance): construction documents, construction technology, construction management, and material control. The top three most influential factors that affect the construction project as a whole are design drawings, contract for construction, and construction procedures. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Through the reminder sending from app, the elderly would always stay at a warm indoor space.


home care App Arduino
