  • 期刊


Discussion and Revelation on Non-Japanese Major's Japanese Education: A Case Study on Tatung University's Japanese Education


對於非日語系日語學習者而言,其在校學習的外在環境通常為大班制,其內在心理環境常因非其主修而容易放棄學習。教師除了在大班教學的策略和技巧上須精進之外,如何讓日語學習者在學習動機上轉念更是一大考驗。本論文以大同大學的日語教育為個案研究,探討該校與其他同級大學在日語教育上之同異性,其次依日語教育的投入面、過程面和結果面,分析瞭解理工色彩濃厚的大同大學日語教育的實際,最後歸納分析總結,提出可行的教學精進之建議。於投入面,分析課程、時數、和教員的投入。於過程面,分析依據核心能力所設定的課程設計和畢業門檻。於結果面,以該校各科系通過日本語能力試驗(JLPT)的各級數做為檢驗教學成效的量化指標、以該校應用外語學系和事業經營學系通過前述JLPT試驗的技能面做為檢驗教學成效的質化指標。最後研究顯示,是否有學科畢業門檻的“外在動機”、是否運用分組討論等"Psychologically Small"的方式在大班教學上、是否有“自我效能感(Bandura, 1997)”促使學習者更向上學習的動力,這三項在本研究中被啟示為啟發非日語系日語教育正向學習成效的可能因素。


Non-Japanese-major learners usually learn Japanese in large classes which usually make them feel frustrated while learning. It is a great challenge for teachers to promote their students' motivation because they do not only need to apply different strategies but also techniques while teaching large classes. This paper is a case study of Japanese language education at Tatung University (TTU). The paper aims to compare the differences of Japanese education among TTU and other universities. The study focuses on inputs, the processes and the results of Japanese education. Through the research process, the researchers tend to find the ways to improve Japanese language education. From input perspectives, the classes, the study hours, and the teachers were included. Graduation requirements and curriculum design were included in the process. Finally, the results of passing Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) were also included to be analyzed in this study. The findings of the study indicated significant level of the external motivation, such as graduation requirements; "Psychologically Small", such as grouping discussion in large classes; and self-efficacy (Bandura 1997) for improving learning motivation. The three elements in this study suggested the effect of improving non-Japanese learners' learning.
