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The Practice of Participatory Paradigm: Participant Observation in Global Communication Association Conference




In May 2019, the 15th Global Communication Association Conference was held in Athens, Greece. This article presents a participant observation and tentative reflection on the conference. At the same time, it is supplemented by the relevant historical data, hoping to comprehensively and objectively provide the readers with a general picture of Global Communication Association and its annual conference. This article argues that under the increasingly complex world political and economic structure, the Global Communication Association and its annual conference has been working on creating a two-way communication channel for both eastern and western scholars to discuss about the future of communication, which can be regarded as a case of de-Westernization and participatory paradigm in global communication studies. Under the framework of the global communication discussion, the participants of the conference talked about the common problems faced by all human beings, rather than individual problems in certain regions. And the solutions of these problems need to be built on the consideration of contemporary global order and situation, which calls for global communication and cooperation. Based on the intellectual interest of global communication, the article also recognizes that the conference still needs improvement. Finally, the author shows some expectation towards the future of the conference.
