  • 期刊


Photothermal Processes of Gold Nanostructures Probed with Time-resolved Spectroscopy


近年來有關金屬奈米粒子光熱效應(photothermal effect)的應用越發多元且廣泛,而研究其熱傳遞過程有利於評估後續應用時的操作條件與限制。在本篇文章中,吾人將簡介金屬奈米粒子之光熱性質,以及研究熱傳遞過程的相關光譜技術。除了前人利用飛秒及皮秒時間解析光譜術以了解電子加熱與電子-聲子耦合的過程外,吾人亦設計非接觸式的方法,包含步進式掃描傅立葉轉換紅外放光光譜法(step-scan Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy)、共軛焦色胺酸螢光溫度計法(confocal tryptophan fluorescent thermometry)以及紅外線熱影像法(infrared thermography)搭配點熱源模型分析,可研究金奈米粒子後續與環境達到熱平衡之緩解過程。吾人期盼藉由此文章的介紹,使讀者了解使用上述光譜法得研究金屬奈米粒子光熱效應中,不同時域下所發生的熱緩解過程。


The photothermal effect of the metallic nanostructures has been extensively employed in diverse aspects. The understanding of the thermal relaxation is essential for the operation and application limitations. In this article, we will briefly introduce the photothermal phenomena of the gold nanostructures and the spectroscopic approaches to investigate the thermalization processes. The femtosecond and picosecond resolved spectroscopic techniques have been employed to unravel the processes of the electron heating and electron-phonon scattering. Recently, my group developed the non-contact approaches, including the time-resolved step-scan Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy, confocal tryptophan fluorescent thermometry, and infrared thermography upon analysis using point heat source, to probe the thermalization of the hot nanostructures with the surroundings. By means of miscellaneous spectroscopic techniques, the photothermal effects of the nanostructures could be well characterized.
