  • 期刊


Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Electrocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide


近來對於二氧化碳催化還原的研究發展日新月異,主要原因來自於二氧化碳排放量日益增加,對地球環境所帶來的影響也越來越嚴重,利用電催化的方式將二氧化碳還原,產生附加價值高的產物或燃料則為此提供了一個解決辦法,目前在二氧化碳電催化還原的領域分為兩類,勻相(homogeneous)催化及異相(heterogeneous)催化。本篇文章在勻相二氧化碳電還原催化的回顧,主要著重在反應機構的研究上,從化學的角度探討影響二氧化碳還原反應的因素,異相二氧化碳電還原催化的研究,可再分為兩大類,以金屬或合金組成的金屬催化劑,及以有機結構做為骨架,參雜些許金屬原子所形成的單原子型催化劑(single-atom catalysts, SACs),並個別探討當前研究主要所使用的元素、合成材料型式以及其反應性。


Recently, research on electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide has grown rapidly. The impact resulting from increasing amount of carbon dioxide emission is becoming more and more serious. Reducing carbon dioxide to value-added chemicals or fuels by using electrocatalytic methods may offer a solution to the problem. The methods for electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction are divided into two categories: homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis. In this mini review, the study on homogeneous electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction focuses on the reaction mechanism and the factors affecting the reduction reaction. The research on heterogeneous electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction can be further divided into two groups: metals and single-atom catalysts (SACs). This mini review discusses the mainly used metals, the structure and reactivity of catalysts, individually.
