  • 期刊


Exploring Readers' Emotional Responses to A Touching Story: Readers' Empathy, Perceived Realism and the Extent of Being Touched


本研究以一篇感性文章為素材,針對讀者閱讀時的感動反應進行探索,並藉此檢視讀者同理心與文章真實感對感動程度之影響。主要研究問題有三:(1)閱讀此感性文章時,讀者的感動程度為何?又伴隨出現的感動反應主要有哪些?(2)讀者同理心之強弱,是否影響其閱讀時被文章感動的程度?(3)讀者感知的文章真實性高低,是否影響其閱讀時被感動的程度?透過橫斷式問卷調查的方式,本研究在2007 年5 月間從北部一所大專院校訪問到342 位亲利樣本。研究者先讓受訪者填寫基本資料,再讓其閱讀一篇名為〈離家不遠〉的文章,隨後並以主、客觀兩種指標測量其被感動的程度。針對兩種指標所進行的分析均發現,九成以上的受訪者曾被該篇文章感動,但個別受訪者出現的感動反應相當分歧。其次,本研究發現在受訪者當中,同理心越強者,以及越認為文章具有真實感者,被該文章感動的程度也越強。


同理心 真實感 感動程度


This research was aimed at exploring three questions: (1) To what extent would the readers be touched, and what emotional responses would they show if they were exposed to a touching textual material? (2)Whether the extent of being touched by the text was influenced by the readers’ empathy? (3)Whether the extent of being touched was influenced by the readers’ perceived realism of the text? In early May 2007, 342 college students were recruited to read a touching textual material. After reading, two different indices were used to measure subjects’ emotional responses. Statistical analyses revealed that over 90% of the subjects were touched by the text. However, subjects’ emotional responses varied substantially. It was also found that subjects’ empathy and perceived realism of the text significantly and positively influenced the extent of being touched.
