  • 期刊


The Effects of Peeling or Shelling Processing on Pesticide Residues in Four Fruit Crops


探討國產水果荔枝、鳳梨、柑桔和葡萄四種水果經去皮或去殼等處理,對農藥殘留的影響。樣品採集自作物主產區的田間,以「食品中殘留農藥檢驗方法—多重殘留分析方法(五)」進行多重農藥殘留分析,並計算加工處理因子(processing factors,PF)比值,比較處理後與處理前的樣品農藥殘留。發現貝芬替、陶斯松、第滅寧、益達胺及亞托敏等五種藥劑普遍出現於此四種水果上;去皮或去殼能有效去除此四種水果的農藥殘留,包括降低農藥檢出件數、殘留藥劑種類數及不合格件數。在測試樣品中,荔枝去殼對於常檢出藥劑去除效果良好,不受到藥劑之系統性、水溶性及log Kow值影響;鳳梨去皮對於農藥去除效果極佳;柑桔及葡萄去皮結果顯示系統性、水溶性及辛醇/水分配係數(log Kow)並未對PF值有影響。因此,去皮或去殼是有效去除農藥殘留的食前處理方式,能明顯降低農藥殘留。


The aim of this research was to elucidate how fruit peeling methods which involve peeling or shelling effects on pesticide residues in four fruit crops including litchi, pineapple, orange and table grape. The samples were collected from major production fields. The official "Method of Test for Pesticides-Residues in Foods-Multiresidue Analysis (5)" was applied to analyze pesticide residues and to calculate related processing factors (PF). We found that carbendazim, chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin, imidacloprid and azoxystrobin were widely applied on the four kinds of fruits. However, in all of these fruits, the results shown that peeling or shelling process can reduce the pesticide residues and the number of violation samples, effectively. Therefore, either peeling or shelling can remove pesticide residues.
