  • 期刊


A Real Case of Integrated Pest Management on Garden Pea in Taiwan


豌豆屬連續採收的豆科作物,在開花期及採收期間噴施系統性的化學農藥,常造成藥劑殘留,成為食安問題的高風險作物之一。本研究於2018年11月1日至2019年1月24日於彰化縣福興鄉一0.06公頃豌豆田,以性費洛蒙、薊馬警戒費洛蒙、化學藥劑、液化澱粉芽孢桿菌CL3等資材,進行綜合防治豌豆的病蟲害試驗。每公頃設置10個性費洛蒙誘蟲器大量誘殺斜紋夜蛾(Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)),可有效降低其族群密度達91.8%。甜菜夜蛾(S. exigua Hübner)族群密度在豌豆田較高(54.5-99 insects/trap/2wk),經大量誘殺其族群密度降低47.6%,建議大量誘殺所使用的性費洛蒙數量應增至每公頃30個。豌豆種植時即懸掛薊馬警戒費洛蒙防治臺灣花薊馬(Frankliniella intonsa Trybom),能降低薊馬在豌豆的危害率,由86.7%(對照區)降為78.2%(警戒費洛蒙處理區)。探討百滅寧(permethrin)與賜諾殺(spinosad)等不同作用機制的化學藥劑與不同的施藥頻率對薊馬的防治效果,顯示賜諾殺防治薊馬的效果較佳,危害率71.1%;低於百滅寧處理者85.6%。每8日施用百滅寧一次與懸掛薊馬警戒費洛蒙之處理,其薊馬危害率70.1%,低於每4日施藥一次的處理(85.6%);每8日施用賜諾殺一次與懸掛薊馬警戒費洛蒙之處理,與每4日施藥一次的處理之薊馬危害率分別為73.1與71.1%。利用微生物製劑液化澱粉芽孢桿菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CL3)與化學藥劑待克利(difenoconazole)輪用防治豌豆白粉病(Erysiphe pisi DC,powdery mildew),顯示初期使用液化澱粉芽孢桿菌CL3進行防治可降低豌豆白粉病發生率;後期因植株成長與白粉病危害程度提高,建議自栽種後每月輔以一次安全採收期短的化學藥劑來防治,即可有效抑制豌豆白粉病的罹病程度,進而降低化學藥劑的使用量與次數。由本研究結果可知,利用警戒費洛蒙綜合防治薊馬,應可減少防治薊馬的施藥次數;同時,使用費洛蒙資材、微生物防治資材與化學防治資材可作為藥劑輪用與混用的策略,為田間可行的操作方式並具有降低農藥殘留風險的優點。


Garden peas (Pisum sativum L.) are an extensively grown vegetable. However, applying synthetic pesticides on this crop can lead to excessive pesticides residues, which pose significant risks to food safety. In this study, we performed integrated pest management (IPM) field trials using sex pheromones, thrips alarm pheromones, chemical pesticides, and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CL3. The goal of this study was to find an alternative method capable of reducing the use of conventional chemical pesticides. Results showed that setting 10 sex pheromone traps in a 1 hectare field was effective at reducing the population of Spodoptera litura. In contrast, to control Spodoptera exigua in a 1 hectare field, a configuration involving 30 traps was more effective. In addition, the percentage of pea pods infected by thrips was reduced from 86.7% to 78.2% when thrips alarm pheromone traps were applied in the field at the start of planting. We also found that spinosad was more effective than permethrin in reducing thrip infection rates. Moreover, the group that was treated with permethrin+thrips alarm pheromone traps every 4 days showed had fewer infected pea pods (70.1%) than did the group that was treated every 8 days (85.6%). Crop damage rates in the groups that were treated with spinosad+thrips alarm pheromone traps every 4 or 8 days were 73.1% and 71.1%, respectively. Our results showed that using thrips alarm pheromone alongside suitable chemical pesticides can control thrips populations and also reduce overall pesticide use. Our results further showed that rotating between using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CL3 and chemical pesticide treatments was effective in controlling powdery mildew disease. Finally, we found that applying Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CL3 at the start of planting and a chemical pesticide once a month thereafter still reduced the use of chemical pesticides compared to conventional pesticide treatment programs. In conclusion, sex pheromones, thrips alarm pheromones, and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CL3 are all practical, effective, and easy to apply on garden pea and can reduce the risk of pesticide residues contaminating food.
