  • 期刊


Pesticide Application Violations: An Analysis of Legume Vegetables Cases and Suggestions for Improvement


菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)、豇豆(Vigna sinensis Hassk)、豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)等豆科豆菜類蔬菜屬連續採收作物,當進入採收期,即呈現「開花、結莢、採收」同步進行的模式,故農民面臨需兼顧「害物管理」與「農產品安全」之抉擇,此為嚴苛考驗。豆菜類農藥殘留違規問題因媒體報導,是眾所關注的議題,為嘗試釐清前述問題緣由,本文就行政院農業委員會農糧署2016-2019年於田間與集貨場抽驗之豆菜類農藥殘留檢測結果進行分析,進一步從地區、月份瞭解豆菜類違規樣態。依分析結果研析,可能原因主要為「作物生育特性」與「人為因素」,爰分別由「作物」、「植物保護資材」、「農友與販賣業者」與「農產品販售」等主題,提出改善違規用藥的措施,如育成具抗病蟲特性品種、花期調節、安全用藥管理規範、抗藥性管理策略、導入高安全性植物保護資材、強化生產端用藥安全與農藥販售管理、針對優質安全農產品協助擴展產銷通路等,期提供政府與產業作為提升豆菜類蔬菜安全生產技術之參考。


Kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cowpeas (Vigna sinensis Hassk) and garden peas (Pisum sativum L.) are continuously harvested legume vegetables for which pest management is highly challenging. This study aimed to improve the safety of production technology used in legume vegetable cultivation by analyzing cases of pesticide application violations. Specifically, we analyzed results of pesticide residue tests (conducted on legume vegetables collected from fields and packing houses) published by the Agriculture and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture, Taiwan, between 2016 and 2019. Our objectives were to identify patterns in pesticide application violations and to understand how farmers are using pesticides (i.e. which pesticides are used to control specific pests). According to our results, violations were primarily related to "crop growth characteristics" and "human factors". We therefore proposed measures to help reduce pesticide application violations and enhance the safety of production technology used in legume vegetable cultivation. These measures were related to "crops", "plant protection products", "farmers and vendors" and "agricultural sales". Specifically, we recommend (1) cultivating legume crop varieties that are resistant to diseases and insects, (2) adjusting the flowering period of crops, (3) applying pesticides according to safe management regulations, (4) adopting pesticide resistance-management strategies, (5) using safer plant-protection products, (6) strengthening the safe application of pesticides on the production-side, (7) strengthening pesticide-sale regulations, and (8) expanding sales channels for high-quality agricultural products.
