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A Way to Enhance Engagement: The Hierarchical Regulatory Focus Approach


調節焦點理論是一種說明動機、行為與情緒間關係的目標追求理論,個人的調節焦點是包含系統、戰略與戰法的層級化結構。本研究探討職場情境中層級化調節焦點的運作方式,與其如何直接影響敬業;採便利取樣方式,對公職人事人員(N = 512)發放一份由三種量表組成的調查問卷以蒐集資料,透過結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)對假說模型進行檢驗,分析結果顯示:長期促進焦點對暫態促進焦點與暫態預防焦點皆有顯著直接影響,長期預防焦點只對暫態預防焦點有顯著影響,與暫態促進焦點沒有明確直接關係;暫態促進焦點對長期促進焦點與敬業間關係具完全中介效果,暫態預防焦點對長期調節焦點與敬業間關係沒有中介效果;本文並討論長期調節焦點對人才發展實務,與暫態調節焦點在人力資源管理實務上的意義。


Regulatory focus theory is a goal pursue theory for illustrate the relationships between motivation, behavior and emotion in action. Individual's regulatory focus is a hierarchical structure, which could be separated into system, strategy and tacit. This study sheds light on the operation of hierarchical regulatory focus in workplace context, and how does it direct effect on engagement. The data collected via a convenience sampling approach, using three difference scales to constitute a questionnaire, and be distributed to Public Personnel Officer (N = 512). The model was tested using structural equation modeling. Result shows chronic promotion focus both direct effect on momentary promotion and prevention focus significantly. Chronic prevention focus just influences momentary prevention focus directly, but non-significant effect on momentary promotion focus. Momentary promotion focus fully mediates the relationship between chronic promotion focus and engagement. Momentary prevention focus is not the mediator between chronic regulatory focus and engagement. Implication for chronic regulatory focus on talent development practices and momentary regulatory focus on human resource management practices are discussed.


