  • 期刊


A study of the Relationship between Body Mass Index and Sarcopenia in Chronic Diabetes Patients


2040年全球糖尿病人口將會達到六億四千兩百萬,表示每10個人當中就有一人是糖尿病患者。肌少症定義為身體的肌肉量減少、肌力減弱、身體活動度降低、身體功能變慢以及肌耐力下降。大多數患有糖尿病的中老年人,隨著年紀的增長罹患肌少症的機會更大於一般人,其中肌少症又與身體質量指數相關,因此本研究想進一步探討慢性糖尿病患者身體質量指數與肌少症的關聯性,研究對象以新竹地區某地區醫院之糖尿病共同照護網,總共收集74位收案糖尿病病人,以病歷回顧性分析研究,收案糖尿病病人以立意取樣,以charder MG4800握力計檢測肌力,將醫院糖尿病共同照護網個案的糖化血色素、空腹血糖、血脂肪及腎功能等項目輸出後,資料以SPSS 20.0版本軟體進行統計分析,採描述性統計與平均數、百分比、標準差分析方法。本研究結果發現:男性BMI 24.4至26.3組肌少症發生率22.2 %;BMI 26.3以上組肌少症發生率21.4 %。女性BMI 26.8以上組肌少症發生率5.9 %。整體而言,糖尿病病人男性BMI 24.4以上發生肌少症的比率大於女性。因此對於糖尿病病患的飲食衛教及運動的介入對於衛教的整體照護非常重要。


In 2040, the global total of diabetes patients will come to 642 millions, meaning that 1 in 10 people is a diabetes patient. Sarcopenia is a disease with reduced muscle mass, strength and endurance, physical activity, and slower body functions. The risk of sarcopenia increases in the middle age diabetes patients as compared with the normal population and is related to the body mass index (BMI). This study aimed to investigate the relationship between BMI and sarcopenia in chronic diabetes patients of the Diabetes Shared Care Network of a regional hospital in the Hsinchu area. A total of 74 diabetes patients were included by using purpose sampling method. Muscle strength of the patients were measured by using the Charder MG4800 and their records of glycated hemoglobin, fasting glucose, blood lipids, kidney function, etc, were retrieved from the medical records. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS 20.0 and descriptive statistics of mean, percentage, and standard deviation were reported. In incidence rate of sarcopenia was 22.2% in male patients with BMI ranging from 24.4 to 26.3, and 21.4% in male patients with BMI ranging above this range. For female patients, the sarcopenia incidence rate was 5.9% for those with BMI above 26.8. Overall speaking, the incidence rate of sarcopenia in male diabetes patients with BMI above 24.4 was higher than female diabetes patients. Thus, diet health education and exercise intervention in diabetes patients are essential for diabetes care.


sarcopenia diabetes body mass index


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