  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Measures of the Mainland and Taiwan on the 31 Measures of Huitai in Mainland China




The purpose of this study is to sort out the possible impact on the cross-strait authorities after the launch of the 31 measures of Huitai in mainland China, and to explore the situation in mainland China facing the DPP authorities' reluctance to recognize the "92 Consensus". The communication channel is in a tight contract. The Chinese mainland is based on the concept of the Chinese nation's nativeism. The mainland Taiwan Affairs Office announced on February 28, 2018 that Huitai 31 measures to expand the exchange of exchanges and benefits for the Taiwanese people. Taiwan’s measures have been promoted as a strategy to respond to the measures taken by the DPP's Taiwan independence consciousness to govern Taiwan. Examine the originality of the Chinese people on both sides of the strait, and analyze the influence of the Chinese mainland's 31 measures on the positive pull and reverse thrust that the cross-strait authorities may cause. Observe how the authorities on both sides of the strait view the policy of Huitai and strive for the competition among the Taiwanese people for the recognition of the Chinese nation. Through qualitative and quantitative research, we will explore the 31 measures of Huitai, and reflect on the benefits and sensations of the Taiwanese people. Identify and analyze the trend of Huitai policy towards public opinion. Finally, it is pointed out that Taiwanese consciousness does not mean Taiwan independence consciousness. The Taiwanese people agree with the Chinese nation's original concept rather than the People's Republic of China. It is expected that such research can provide a reference for political governance of cross-strait authorities.


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