  • 期刊


Zhuge Liang's Personnel Arrangement and the Generational Transition of Power of the Shu Han regime




蜀漢 廖立 李嚴 諸葛亮 蔣琬


Zhuge Liang died in AD 234. Earlier, he removed Liao Li and Li Yan from office and demoted them to commoners. When Liao heard of Zhuge's death, he cried over his fate of being condemned to the place of a commoner without any hope of ever returning to the court. Li took the news so hard that he died of resentment. Both knew that no one but Zhuge would be able to grant them the reprieve. Ever since Xi Zaochi of Eastern Jin spoke of the impartiality of Zhuge, many critics have followed suit, resulting in a consensus over Zhuge's character. That he represents a fair-minded enforcer of the law is a foregone conclusion. However, when we examine Zhuge Liang's life from the perspectives of personnel arrangement and power transfer, especially the selection of his own successors, some obscure historical events come to light. For example, why did Zhuge Liang go to great extent to promote the young officials such as Ma Su, Jiang Wan, Fei Yi and Dung Yun, and demote Li Yan to a commoner, even though Liu Bei had appointed Li Yan as second-ranking ruling minister in his ante-mortem instructions? Why couldn't his arch-enemies such as Wei Yan and Yang Yi take the place of Zhuge Liang and become the minister of Shu Han? Why did the power structure ofShu Han regime change from Zhuge Liang's style of centralized authority to the collective leadership headed by Jian Wan? Politics is pragmatic. When the younger generation started to hold power, the older generation could only retreat from the centre of the stage."Liao Li shed tears and cried, while the indignant Li Yan died," all because they realized that their days of power and glory were no more.


Shu Han Liao Li Li Yan Zhuge Liang Jiang Wan


〔西晉〕陳壽撰,盧弼集解,《三國志集解》,臺北縣:漢京文化事業有限公司,1981 年據古籍出版社鉛印本重印。
