  • 期刊


Interaction Between Professionals and Parent in Early Intervention: A Survey Research


目的:早期療育近年來強調「以家庭為中心」服務模式,也瞭解到家長的親職能力是促進兒童發展的重要關鍵,其中,理想的專業人員與家長之互動關係可促進親職能力。故本研究目的即是設計與檢驗「家長與專業人員互動模式調查問卷」,用來調查目前在臺灣接受早期療育兒童的家長對於互動關係之看法。方法:研究對象138位家長,分別來自臺灣七個縣市,其子女為六歲以下且接受早期療育的兒童。本研究編制由家長自填的「家長與專業人員互動模式調查問卷」採用四分制共30題,另有一題獨立選擇題,由家長自行評斷目前的互動模式。結果:經討論後刪除兩題,「家長與專業人員互動模式調查問卷」的內部一致性Cronbach's α coefficient可達.955。探索性因素分析結果則顯示互動關係包含四個面向,分別為:評估與治療、居家活動與指導、專業建議、諮詢與回饋。問卷總分在不同的互動模式中呈現顯著差異,顯示此問卷分數可反映出不同互動模式中不同的互動關係。結論:本研究發現「家長與專業人員互動模式調查問卷」具有良好的信效度,能夠評估療育過程中專業人員與家長互動行為。此外,本研究也發現在臺灣,大多數家長認為和專業人員的關係已漸漸進展至共同合作的夥伴關係。然而影響互動關係的因素仍須進一步探究,以期能提供臨床專業人員作為促進與家長互動關係的參考。


互動模式 家長 專業人員 關係 早期療育


Purpose: More attention was focused on family centered service model in early intervention recently. Early intervention professionals realized that parenting skill was the key element to facilitate child development, and they have to interact with parents properly in order to improve the parenting skills. However, previous studies in Taiwan rarely investigated how professionals interact with parents. Parent-Professional Interaction Questionnaire (PPIQ) was developed to survey the relationships between parent and professionals in early intervention. The purpose of this study was to examine several psychometric properties of PPIQ and present current status of parent-professional relationships in Taiwan. Method: One hundred and thirty-eight parents who have children with developmental delay and receive early intervention services were recruited from seven counties in Taiwan. They were asked to fulfill the PPIQ. The PPIQ contains 30 items using a 4-point Likert scale, and one additional question with multiple choices for parents to determine what type of relationship they have with their therapists is. Result: After deleting 2 items, Cronbach's α coefficient increases to .955 indicating a strong internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis reveals 4 factors which including interaction in "Evaluation and Treatment," "Home Activities and Family Education," "Professional Advice" and "Consultation and Feedback" together explaining for 71.123% of the variance. The elder, especially grandparents indicate lower scores, and respondent who are very familiar with therapists indicates higher scores. The result also presents that the PPIQ score can significantly reflect three different types of current parent-professional relationships chosen by respondents. Conclusion: The results showed the reliability and construct validity of PPIQ was satisfied. And it also reveals that the parent-professional relationships have changed into better partnerships in Taiwan. Nevertheless, the factor influencing the relationships should be identified by further research. Hope it can help to improve the quality of parent-professional relation in early intervention.
