  • 期刊


Implementation and Learning Outcomes of Service-Learning Integrating into Fashion Curriculum




The purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of the theoretical courses of fashion professional integrated with service-learning project, to investigate students' service-learning experience and outcomes, and to discover the turning points that cause students to change. The curriculum design and implementation process based on the pedagogical framework and principals of service-learning courses with learning outcomes evaluated were planned for guiding students and community residents to pay attention to the issues of sustainable fashion. The research subjects were 62 private college students participating in the service-learning project linked with the topic of "Dress and Human Development: Aging." The qualitative data of students' three-time reflective feedback, final self-assessment report and reflective observation was analyzed through content analysis for exploring the students' experience towards teaching model as well as learning experience and reflection. Research results show that participating students have the most reflections on interpersonal growth, followed by happiness, personal growth, civic responsibility, intellectual growth and gratitude. Participating students considered that their transformations were triggered through well-planned curriculum design and teaching practice, professional practice applications, interactive contacts and emotional connections with the community partners in the process of service-learning project, which enabled them to step out of the comfort zone and gain reflections, as well as to learn and experience the core values of altruistic nature and reciprocity of service-learning. In addition to ensuring student participants with psychological empowerment, the service-learning integrated course is also a valuable teaching pedagogy for higher fashion education practice in pursuing university social responsibility and fulfilling the sustainable development goal.


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Hui-Chuan Wang(2023)。RESEARCH ON DESIGNING A SERVICE-BASED TRANSLATION COURSE FOR UNIVERSITY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY國立臺灣科技大學人文社會學報19(1),47-79。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=18197205-N202303230006-00003
