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Creative Role Analysis of the Best Male/Female Mandarin Singer Nominees in Taiwan Golden Melody Awards (2007-2018)




A study was conducted to analyze the collaboration network of popular music production in Taiwan, using artists who took part in the works by the Best Male/ Female Mandarin Singer Award nominees of 18th to 29th Golden Melody as the study population. Overall, the best Mandarin singer music worker community network is quite large (diameter = 7), and the community members are highly connected (average path length = 2.156). However, unlike the small world network model, the whole the network average clustering coefficient value is relatively low (average clustering coefficient = 0.02), showing that the artists have a wide range of collaborators. In addition, a high modularity was observed (# of modules = 22, modularity score = 0.72), suggesting collaboration tend to be more cohesive around certain music styles. We also examined the relationship between an artists' network position and the diversity of the roles she/he played in the creative process such as lyricists, composers, producers, or arrangers. The diversity of an artist's creative role was calculated by Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. A significant correlation was found between a nominee's role diversity and his/her centrality.


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