  • 學位論文


The standards of public welfare and necessity for land expropriation

指導教授 : 林明昕


土地正義運動近年在臺灣掀起一陣風起雲湧浪潮,從彰化高鐵站特定區開發案、彰化中科四期相思寮徵地案、苗栗竹南大埔開發案、臺南鐵路東移案,一連串政府徵收人民土地以發展都市或促進經濟發展計畫,引起土地被徵收人的強烈抗爭。從鄉村到都市,從街頭到法院,處處可看到土地被徵收人控訴政府違法行政,強奪其長久居住土地及家園。徵收處分之爭議不斷,原因之一在於行政與司法實務長期對於土地徵收的公益性與必要性標準不明,再加上近年土地價格飆漲,所以造成被徵收人之抗爭亦趨頻繁,政府應當有重新思考土地徵收正當性之必要。有鑑於此2012年修正土地徵收條例,希冀明確化公益性與必要性,然而本文對於這次修法是否能平息土地徵收爭議,採取較為保留之態度。 土地徵收的公益性與必要性爭議,為我國刻不容緩須解決之問題,因此本文嘗試提出初步想法,做為土地徵收公益性與必要性判斷標準。首先在公益性之判斷標準上,須先探討土地徵收制度存在目的,本文以為徵收制度目的在於有效解決被徵收人壟斷性地位及哄抬價格之情況發生,以避免影響重大建設之推動困難,而國家與私人不同之處在於,私人有足夠的交易手段可避免上述問題發生,因此在公有私用或私有私用之徵收利用型態下,徵收處分應受到嚴格之檢驗,以避免以公共利益為名,行圖利部分私人之實。而在必要性原則部分,則又可分為徵收手段必要性與徵收範圍必要性討論,在徵收手段必要性上,本文以為須著重正當法律程序,行政機關與人民之協議價購應以書面紀錄為之,且土地徵收條例中應明文增訂協議價購程序之規範;徵收範圍必要性部分,本文以為由於此問題個案間彼此差異甚大,因此難以期待能做出明確判斷標準,因而較佳的方式應該是區分不同的徵收利用型態與徵收目的,分類出層級化的審查密度標準。希冀藉由本文對於徵收處分公益性與必要性之初步想法,期盼我國徵收制度能有更明確之參考方向。


In recent years, a series of government expropriation of land has caused several important events in society. The development claims that expropriation of land will promote economic development, increases taxes. However, most of the people do not believe that expropriation of land will increase their welfare. In view of this 2012 amendment to the land acquisition regulations, the government hopes to clear the necessity of public welfare. We need to solve Public welfare and the need for land acquisition controversy. This paper attempts to propose a preliminary idea. First we must discuss the purpose of land acquisition system. Land acquisition system aims to solve monopoly position and drive up the price of the occurrence. The availability of secret buying agents makes the use of eminent domain for private parties unnecessary, but the government is ordinarily unable to make secret purchases because its plans are subject to democratic deliberation and known in advance. However, personal transaction has ability to avoid these problems. Besides, this article focuses on due process that price agreement between the executive and the people should be a written record of the purchase, and land acquisition should expressly updated specification protocol procedures of purchase price; collects range necessity part. We believe that the differences between each other in the case of this problem is very large, so it is difficult to expect to make a clear judgment criteria. Thus, A better way is that the judge should distinguish between different use patterns and purposes to build different density standards. This article hopes to refine the meaning of private uses and reforming the law of eminent domain.


