  • 學位論文


The Research on Reward and Punishment Theory in Han Fei Zi

指導教授 : 盧瑞鍾


本研究旨在探討《韓非子》之賞罰思想,針對《韓非子》原典中有關賞罰之論述,就其於政治思想中之定位、成為主要論點之原因、與賞罰之「相對性」及「絕對性」加以探究。研究方法包括文獻分析法與比較研究法,同時藉由行政學、基因科學與腦神經科學之科際整合方法,由不同角度分析《韓非子》賞罰思想之利弊得失。 章節安排第一章是緒論,包含研究動機與目的、文獻檢討、研究途徑與方法、研究範圍與限制;第二章是《韓非子》賞罰思想之哲學基礎、時代背景及其目標與功能;第三章是構成要素,包含賞罰之發動者、接受者、標準、依據與原則;第四章是《韓非子》賞罰思想與法、勢、術之關係;第五章是《韓非子》賞罰思想之性質,包含人性自利、國家主義、君主專制、罰重於賞、動員體制;第六章是科際整合分析,包含從行政學理論、基因科學與腦神經科學等不同角度分析《韓非子》賞罰思想;第七章是《韓非子》賞罰思想之評論,包含構成要素分析、行政學角度分析、基因科學與腦神經科學分析、及其他相關評論;第八章結論,包含研究發現及建議。 研究發現:一.君主之賢智資質仍攸關《韓非子》賞罰思想之運作成效,實非中主所得勝任。二.《韓非子》賞罰思想所強調之利,實有所偏;對社會價值之箝制亦有損人力資源之有效利用。三.教民嗜利避害,民易因大利而背叛。四.法治國理念仍無法於《韓非子》賞罰思想中貫徹。五.成敗仰賴君主明辨,群臣傾向守舊避過。六.忽略重刑與厚賞對於臣民工作動機之差異性。七.由行政學之觀點來看,《韓非子》賞罰思想乃提供足以因應現實環境,並具效率而務實地達成組織目標之政策工具。八.人性並非一成不變,重刑論述可能導致快樂之減損並影響工作績效。最後並針對未來研究方向,提出建議或解決之道。


韓非子 基因 腦神經


The major theme discussed here is reward and punishment theory in Han Fei Zi. The research is focus on the statement concerning reward and punishment theory extracted from Han Fei Zi., and to understand the orientation of the theory in Han Fei Zi’s political thought, the cause of to be the major theme, and the “relativity” and “absoluteness” of reward and punishment theory. The multiple methodologies adopted in the research include comparative analysis, documentary analysis, inter-discipline analysis (ex. the study of administration, gene science, and neural science), and based on these methodologies to explain reward and punishment theory in Han Fei Zi from different aspects. Chapter 1 includes research motives, purposes, document review and approach, as well as the limitation during the process of the research. Chapter 2 is to explore the fundamental philosophy, the historical background, goals and function of reward and punishment theory in Han Fei Zi. Chapter 3 is main factors, include the initiator, the receiver, the criterion, the empirical event and the principle concerning reward and punishment. Chapter 4 is to analyze the relationship between “reward, punishment” and “the Law, the Power, the Tact”. Chapter 5 is to induct five characters, including the egoistic human nature, the nationalism, the autocratic monarchy and mobilization, as well as the punishment is better than the reward in Han Fei Zi. Chapter 6 is the inter-discipline analysis, including the study of administration, gene science and neural science. Chapter 7 comments on reward and punishment theory in Han Fei Zi from angles of main factors, administration, gene science, neural science, and other aspects. Chapter 8 is the conclusion about some idea and the suggestion. There are some ideas induct from this thesis: 1. Han Fei Zi’ reward and punishment theory hinges on the skill of the sovereign. 2. Human resource is damaged by Han Fei Zi’s gains and losses aspects. 3. It’s possible that the people will betray their nation because of the purpose of interests. 4. The reward and punishment theory in Han Fei Zi is not the pure thought of ruling by law. 5. The liegeman tend to be conservative. 6. Han Fei Zi’s theory ignores the difference of working motives between the severe punishment and the heavy reward. 7. From the point of administration, Han Fei Zi’s reward and punishment theory is the adaptable, effective and pragmatic policy instrument. 8. Human nature is not constant, and the statement concerning severe punishment will debase the happy feeling and affect work performance.


Han Fei Zi reward punishment gene neural science


方東美,1975,〈中國政治理想要略〉,《輔仁大學哲學論集》,(3): 9-16。


