  • 學位論文


Synergistic Effects of the Five Components from Essential Oils on Mold-resistance of Paper

指導教授 : 張上鎮


本研究中探討5種植物精油成分─香芹酚(Carvacrol, Car)、肉桂醛(Cinnamaldehyde, Cin)、丁香油酚(Eugenol, Eug)、香葉醇(Geraniol, Ger)、百里酚(Thymol, Thy),及其以1:3、1:1和3:1比例二元混合之配方抑制黑麴黴菌(Aspergillus niger)生長的活性。首先,利用3種防黴試驗(瓊脂稀釋試驗、紙張直接接觸試驗和紙張薰蒸試驗)分別評估各化合物的最低抑制濃度(Minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC),再利用等效線圖法(Isobologram analysis)、組合指數(Combiantion index, CI)和使用劑量分析,瞭解混合配方的協同作用強度,及混合使用後化合物的劑量變化,最終評估協同配方對紙張上常見黴菌─黑麴黴菌(A. niger)、土麴菌(A. terreus)和青黴菌(Penicillium citrinum)孢子的抑制萌發和毒殺效果,以及最佳配方對紙張性質的影響。 由瓊脂稀釋試驗結果得知,5種化合物中,Car和Thy抑制A. niger菌絲體生長的效果最佳(MIC = 200 μg/mL),且兩者混合得到的3種不同比例配方皆具協同作用(CI = 0.7),可較單獨使用減少40~80%的使用劑量。由紙張直接接觸和薰蒸試驗結果得知,5種化合物中,Cin和Thy在兩試驗抑制A. niger孢子萌發的效果皆最佳,於兩試驗的MIC分別為100 μg/cm2和40 mg/L,Car則在薰蒸試驗中亦有最佳效果(MIC = 40 mg/L)。直接接觸試驗中,Cin-Eug (3:1) 和Cin-Ger (3:1) 處理紙張抑制孢子萌發的協同作用強度最高(CI = 0.7);完全抑制孢子萌發所需的使用劑量(Minimal inhibitory dose, MID)則以Cin-Ger (3:1) 處理的最低(MID = 88 μg/cm2)。薰蒸試驗中,各協同配方的作用強度皆相當(CI = 0.8);使用劑量最低的則為Car-Thy (1:3)、Car-Thy (1:1) 和Car-Thy (3:1)(MID = 32 mg/L)。 進一步,由協同配方抑制和毒殺紙張上常見黴菌孢子的試驗結果,及其對紙張性質之影響結果得知,紙張分別經Cin-Eug (3:1) 和Cin-Ger (3:1) 處理後,直接接觸3種常見黴菌孢子時,皆可有效地毒殺孢子,且僅些微降低處理濾紙的引張和破裂強度,對其接觸的宣紙、道林紙更是無影響。綜合上述結果顯示,Cin-Ger (3:1) 為紙質文物保存中最優良的防黴配方,不僅使用劑量低,可殺死多種常見黴菌的孢子,更可避免影響紙質文物的性質。


In this study, the anti-mold activities against Aspergillus niger of five components from plant essential oils, including cavacrol (Car), cinnamaldehyde (Cin), eugenol (Eug), geraniol (Ger) and thymol (Thy), and their binary combinations in three mixing ratio (1:3, 1:1, 3:1) were investigated. First of all, three methods, including agar dilution, direct contact and fumigation, were employed to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each component, separately. Then, the isobologram analysis, combination index (CI) and dose reduction analysis were used to quantify the synergy and the variation in dose of each combination. The inhibitory and fungicidal effects of synergistic combinations against spores of common molds, A. niger, A. terreus and Penicillium citrinum, on paper were evaluated. Finally, the changes in properties of paper of the best formulations were also determined. According to the result of agar dilution method, carvacrol and thymol not only presented the excellent activities (MIC = 200 μg/mL) to inhibit the growth of mycelium of A. niger among these components, but also showed synergistic effects while they combined in all three ratios. These combinations could reduce 40 to 80% dose than individual. From the results of both direct contact and fumigation methods, cinnamaldehyde and thymol have the excellent activities in both methods (MIC = 100 μg/cm2, 40 mg/L), and carvacrol only has the excellent activity in the fumigation method (MIC = 40 mg/L). From the results of direct contact method, the treatment of Cin-Eug (3:1) and Cin-Ger (3:1) of paper showed the strongest synergistic effect (CI = 0.7), while the CIs of the others were 0.8; the treatment of Cin-Ger (3:1) showed the lowest minimal inhibitory dose (MID = 88 μg/cm2). From the results obtained from the fumigation method, the synergies of all synergistic formulations were equal (CI = 0.8), while the lowest MID were presented by Car-Thy (1:3), Car-Thy (1:1) and Car-Thy (3:1) (MID = 32 mg/L). According to the results of inhibitory and fungicidal effects of synergistic formulations against common mold spores on paper, the treatment of Cin-Eug (3:1) and Cin-Ger (3:1) for paper could kill the three mold spores. Although, the mechanical properties of filter papers might be slightly decreased by the treatment of Cin-Eug (3:1) and Cin-Ger (3:1), the properties of Xuan papers and wood-free papers would not change after contacted with treated papers. In conclusion, Cin-Ger (3:1) is a low dose formulation with fungicidal effect against common mold spores, and avoids affecting the properties of treated papers.


