  • 學位論文


Comparative Analysis of the performance of Reinstated Credit Department of Farmers' Associations

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


中文摘要 臺灣農會信用部在其組織發展中,經歷了輝煌績效年代,除了提供基層金融服務功能外,其信用部創造的盈餘,更是支應農會營運資金的來源,在協助農村經發展、福祉農民的貢獻上,更是扮演重要角色。自 1990 年代後,因國內金融市場開放,競爭激烈、利差極小化的同時,信用部開始逾放持續攀高,淨值呈負數,導致多家信用部面臨經營惡化,加速了政府整頓金融改革的決心,啟動施行〔金融合併法〕,用強烈手段將 36 家農、漁會交由銀行承接。因而引發〔1123 與農共生〕大遊行,之後催生了〔農業金融法〕,目前依農金法第59 條,農會已重設信用部營業中的有34 家。 因農業金融局設立及農業金庫的成立,推動了農業金融一元化管理,全體農會信用部已大步邁入農業金融體系的新里程碑。本文採用CAMEL 評等系統與(G)成長性及(S)壓力測試進行探討分析,以中華民國農會中壢辦事重設信用部及與其位置相鄰之桃園市各區農會與農會重設信用部為對象,相較經營績效及其指標變動趨勢。並以中華民國農會所編製之各級農會歷年年報版,期間自96 年至104 年,為主要資料來源。探討分析重設信用部是否穩健經營成長,並符合農民、社會與政府共同的期待,藉由績效經營指標的優(劣) 表現中的農會中獲得效仿、學習為目標及參考。研究結果顯示,96 年至104 重設之農會信用部經營指標變動趨勢大致如下: 1. 在資本適足率方面中華民國農會中壢辦事處信用部退步,農會重設信用部之總平均表現退步,桃園市各區農會總平均表現則持平。2. 在資產品質方面中華民國農會中壢辦事處信用部逾期放款比率維持 0 %,農會重設信用部表現大致退步,桃園市各區農會總平均表現進步。3. 在管理能力、獲利能力、流動比率整體表現均呈現進步趨勢。在流動準備率上整體的表現則退步,但仍維持超額準備,財務上也呈穩健經營。4. 在成長性方面在存款、放款、營業收入成長率上,中華民國中壢辦事信用部成長性比率略高於桃園市各區農會,也略高於農會重設信用部,表示中華民國農會重設信用部獲得會員及客戶的支持及肯定。桃園市各區農會存款、營業收入總平均呈負成長,是因公庫存款轉回台銀辦理所致。5. 壓力測試結果均符合金管會資本適足率達8 %以上規定。綜合以上所述:農會重設信用部淨值偏低,宜加強提升淨值、寬提備抵呆帳,及有效資產品質管理為首要。桃園市各區農會,因經營規模型態均呈現穩健經營,且深具精益求精、善盡社會責任之百年精神,可為農會重設信用部之表率及相互學習仿效的目標及營運參考。


Abstract The Credit Departments of Farmers’ Associations in Taiwan had their gloriously productive history with development of the administrative structure. In addition to providing the community financial functional services, the profit generated by the Credit Departments had been employed to the main sources of the working capital in farmers’ associations, played a crucial role in financing the rural economy and contribution to farmers’ welfare benefits. Since the 1990s, as opening the financial markets, domestic competitions had been keener and keener, meanwhile caused minimization of interest rate margins. At the time the non-performing loans ratio in Credit Departments had remained surging, followed by deficit net worth, resulting in a great number of Credit Departments struggled with deterioration in management. It therefore drove the government’s determination of speeding up the financial reform and reconstructing the order, incorporating The Financial Institutions Merger Act being implemented and coming into effect. It forcefully pushed 36 domestic Farmers and Fishermen’s Associations to be merged and taken over by commercial banks. Consequently, it triggered the renowned farmers’ movement “1123 co-exist with farming”, the impact of which led to institution of the Agricultural Finance Law. There hitherto have been 34 Credit Departments of Farmers’ Associations to be re-established based on article 59 of the Agricultural Finance Law. In light of establishment of Bureau of Agricultural Finance and Agricultural Bank of Taiwan, their success propelled uniform supervision system in agricultural finance, and helped the whole Credit Departments of Farmers’ Associations step up big time into the new milestone of agricultural finance system. The CAMEL rating system is adopted along with the Growth Rate and the Stress Testing in this article to discuss and analyze the comparative management performance and trend on its variable indicator of Reinstated Credit Departments of Farmers’ Associations in district Zhongli and the neighborhood districts in Taoyuan city as particularly selected case subjects. Moreover, the annual reports of the Farmers’ Association, compiled by the National Farmers’ Association, R.O.C. from year 2007 to 2015 are taken reference to be the primary study materials. Purpose of the research would center on whether the reinstatement of Credit Departments stably operated and grew along, and met the mutual expectations of farmers and the government. Determined by the superior(or inferior) management performance indicator among the selected studied farmers’ associations, this article will look into individual performance to obtain role model analysis or its counterpart for further reference. The research demonstrates a general trend of management variable indicator of Reinstated Credit Departments of Farmers’ Association in studied regions as following: 1. In terms of capital adequacy ratio, the Credit Department of the administrative office of National Farmers’ Association R.O.C. in Zhongli district shows a regression, adding the Reinstated Credit Department’s overall performance indicates a downtrend, whilst the averaged performance in all districts in Taoyuan manifest flat maintaining level. 2. In aspect of asset quality, the non-performing loans ratio stays at 0% in the Zhongli office of National Farmers’ Associations R.O.C. of the Credit Department, yet the Reinstated Credit Department shows degeneracy in substance. The Farmers’ Associations of all districts in Taoyuan shows an averaged progress. 3. In aspects of management, profitability and current ratio, all Credit Departments of Farmers’ Associations in the studied regions show upward trend in performance progress. In liquidity reserves rate, all cases show total relapse, but still keep to excess reserves, and well-built financial ability. 4. In aspect of growth ratio in terms of bank savings, loans and business revenue, the National Farmers’ Association, R.O.C. in Zhongli office, its Credit Department proves a higher growth ratio compared to other district in Taoyuan, and also slightly higher than the Reinstated Credit Department. It says that the Credit Department of National Farmers’ Association R.O.C. had gained support and acknowledgement by its members and clients. However, the saving and business revenue from all districts in Taoyuan city specify an averaged negative growth, accounting for the policy which required all saving from the public bank should be transferred to the Taiwan Bank for official operation. 5. The Stress testing result reveals that all study cases are up to 80% or above of Capital Adequacy ratio by Financial Supervisory Commission’s standards. In conclusion, the net worth of Reinstated Credit Departments of Farmers’ withdrawal of reserve to write off the bad debts, and emphasize on the efficiency of asset quality management in first place. According to the research, all Farmers’ Associations in districts of Taoyuan city suggest a promising and firm trend of management and performance, and attitude of excelsior, living up to the corporate social responsibilities and the leading spirits, therefore, grounded on that, they can be recognized as a good model and example to be learnt and referred to in running business and keeping the excellent operation for all Reinstated Credit Departments.


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