  • 學位論文


How Strategies and Lie Position Affect the Effectiveness of Verbal Cues To Deception

指導教授 : 趙儀珊




言語指標 測謊 模擬犯罪 策略


Despite the many studies about verbal cues to deception in recent years, very few of them successfully addressed the severe confounding variable, communicational style. Even if they did, these studies used paradigms that participants merely falsely and truthfully express their opinions rather than experiences. Therefore, the current study investigated the differences between lies and truths from the same participants by the frequencies of ten theory-based word categories. To ensure our results can be applied in high-stake contexts, we made our participants experience two mock crimes and then being investigated. In light to present studies, we investigated the effect of lying strategies on the frequencies of word categories. We also explored how the lie position affect the verbal cues to deception. 53 participants were included in this study. 5 categories demonstrated significant differences between truths and lies: Filler words, first and three personal pronouns, space words and time words. Further, the effectiveness of some word categories varied regarding to whether participants applying noverbal, approach the truth strategies and the lie position. However, results remained the same regardless of using verbal strategies or not. This may due to different demands of cognitive resources when using different strategies and lying in different accounts. The results provide a reliable approach that may enhance individuals’ lie-detecting ability in high-stake scenarios. Most importantly, they may apply suitable cues depend on different contexts. Some limitations and suggestions to future studies were also discussed.


verbal cues lie detection mock crime strategies


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