  • 學位論文


A Study of Copyright Fair Use Concerning Re-Composed Works

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


隨著科技的發達以及網路的興起,任何人皆可利用電腦以及網路尋找資訊,並加以創作,互相分享,將接收到的資料重新組成新的著作成為現代人生活的一部分,以這樣的創作手法所創作出來的組合性作品,本文稱之為「重組著作」,本文觀察重組著作的特色後對其下的定義為:「取用原作的元素並加以拼貼,把原作當作創作的基底或是將原作當作創作的材料(raw material)使用,並添加自己的創意,使作品產生新的意義。」具體來說,從早期挪用藝術(Appropriate),一直到現代所流行的同人文化、KUSO文化,都具有這樣「重組」的特色,也因此創造出豐富而多元的作品。  重組著作因為是使用他人的作品做為創作的基底或材料,因此會與著作權人所能擁有獨占的權利相衝突,然而此衝突的背景是源自於著作權法對於著作人所得獨占的權利不斷擴張,增加著作財產權的權利範圍,對於著作保護年限的延長也造成著作進入公共領域的時間往後延,延後大眾能自由使用該著作的時間點,造成許多爭議。   另外除著作權法本身的問題外,由於重組著作呈現的樣態多元且涉及的問題又相當複雜,也增加處理上的難度,礙於篇幅及時間的關係,本文的架構是建立在我國著作權法第65條第2項的四個合理使用要件之上,以重組著作的使用目的進行判斷標準的調整以符合著作權法的立法目的為主要討論架構,取其特色的最大公約數,著重於合理使用四個要件的闡述與研究。 關於我國法院對於著作權法第65條第2項合理使用在實務上的運作方面,法院的判斷逐漸揚棄僅以商業性判斷為主要考量因素,但對於合理使用的四個要件判斷上仍不夠細緻,可能會造成重組著作在我國法院判決上的困難,為解決此一問題,使重組著作能在我國著作權法下有生存空間,並豐富文化以達到著作權法立法目的,因此本文在第一章先簡介本文目標以及研究方法,並於第二章就重組著作的具體樣態進行整理,呈現出重組著作的特性後,為重組著作下定義,並特定本文所欲討論的研究範圍。第三章則討論重組著作為何會與著作權法產生衝突的問題背景,並且分成就文化以及經濟層面進行說明。第四章則重在重組著作在我國著作權法的所產生的法律問題。第五章是自比較法觀點討論之。第六章則試圖自合理使用的層面以外找尋解決問題的方法。第七章為本文結論。 綜上所述,希望本文的研究能使著作權法第65條第2項合理使用的規定在實務判斷重組著作時能更加的符合著作權法的立法目的,以及藉由給予重組著作更大的生存空間以使我國文化更加的豐富且多元。


With the advance of information and communications technology, it becomes much easier for people to access, reuse, and share contents by computers and the Internet, which leads to the emergence of Re-Composed Works, like appropriation art, fan art, and KUSO. The Re-Composed Works, by definition, are works with new meanings different from the original ones, whose elements are collaged and applied as the base or the raw material of the new works alone with their creators’ own creativeness. The creation of Re-Composed Works may conflict with the copyright owned by the creators of the original works due to the application of the pre-existed works as the base or the raw material of the new ones. The existence of this confliction is resulted from the expansion of copyright and the extension of the term of protection. Both delay the time the works enter the public domains to be freely used by the public, which causes many disputes. Besides the problems causing by Copyright Act per se, the diversity of Re-Composed Works also increases the difficulty of fair use judgments. Among the multiple facets of the problems, one of the important issues is that the practice of judgments based on the four elements of fair use stated in Copyright Act §65-II is still not strict enough, even though Taiwanese courts have been gradually disposing judgments depending solely on commercial use factors. In order to address the problem mentioned above, this study, focusing on the four elements of fair use stated in Copyright Act §65-II, endeavors to adjust the judgment criteria according to the legislative purposes of the law and the purposes of creation. The findings of this study could be applied to fair use cases so that the judgements could better meet the legislative purposes of Copyright Act, and enhance the multifariousness of the culture through the expansion of the scope of legal Re-Composed Works. In accordance with the research objectives, this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 will state the purpose of research. Chapter 2 will introduce the three major types of Re-Composed Works, and arranged their subtypes by their expressions. Chapter 3 will discuss the background of the issue. Chapter 4 will focus on the problems of Re-Composed Works regarding to the Constitution and Copyright Law. Chapter 5 will compare the EU Copyright Direction, the Copyright Law of America, and the Copyright Law of R.O.C.. Chapter 6 will provide the conclusion.


Fair use derivative works KUSO Fan Art Appropriate Art parody satire


9. 陳新民(2005),《憲法學釋論》,5版,台北:自刊。
3. 盧美慈(2011),《同人誌相關著作權問題研究》,國立政治大學智慧財產研究所碩士論文。
1. 李劍非(2010),《論著作權與資訊流通自由的衝突與解決》,參見第貳章、第參章, 國立臺灣大學法律學研究所碩士論文。
3. 陳新民(2008),〈著作權的社會義務:由德國憲法學的角度檢驗智慧財產權的保障及其限制〉,《臺大法學論叢》,第37卷第4期
3. Jed Rubenfeld, The Freedom of Imagination: Copyright's constitutionality, 112 YALE
