  • 學位論文


Successful Service and Key Factors for Public Bike Systems

指導教授 : 張學孔


近年來全球城市都開始重視永續、綠色交通,期望藉由發展永續都市和綠色交通來達到節能減碳之目標。在綠色交通中,公共自行車系統(Public Bicycle System)為現今各國積極推動的共享運具,在政策上期能透過公共自行車來帶動民眾重視綠色環境,並將資源合理應用、創造更人本、健康的都市環境。 由於目前已有越來越多城市開始發展公共自行車,除歐、美國家外,亞洲的中國、日本和臺灣也開始積極發展公共自行車。國內外有許多與公共自行車相關研究,但多著重單一地區,較少將全球已發展之城市進行比較分析之研究。而在公共自行車發展、推動之過程中,若各城市能夠掌握成功關鍵因素,並瞭解自己目前之缺失,則能使營運者與決策者規劃改善公共自行車系統與相關環境配套政策與措施,也更能讓市民樂於使用公共自行車形成良性循環。 本研究之目的係為建立成功發展公共自行車之主要因素,並歸納已有良好公共自行車系統之城市,以作為各城市發展公共自行車之參考。此外,本研究成果也期能使目前亦或未來欲建置公共自行車之城市有更多指引。在研究中首先透過文獻分析確立發展成功公共自行車的11項要素,再透過因素分析找出「系統規模」、「資訊應用」、「服務與績效」等三類關鍵,最後應用集群分析法將具有相似屬性之城市歸類,以得到集群個數以及各樣本歸屬。本研究另進一步將分析成果應用在檢視目前規劃中之新北市及臺中市公共自行車系統,期能經由比較分析而據以提出改善建議,使其未來系統與營運更臻完善。本研究結果使各城市能與其他系統進行相互交流比較,並且對於公共自行車系統之未來規劃以及現有系統之服務提升均有正面助益。


In recent years, the sustainable urban development and green transport system has been implemented as part of the key programs and policies of energy saving and emission reduction. The public bike system has been considered as one of crucial elements in green and sharing transport which would create more user friendly environment and re-allocation of public space by encouraging more users for public bike system. There are more and more cities developing public bike service. In addition to European and American countries, China, Japan and Taiwan have begun to develop public bike. As a result, public bike has been growing dramatically. There are many researches which are related to public bike, but they are more emphasis on a specific region or city. There are few studies conducting the comparative analysis across the cities and regions. This research aims to identify the main factors of successful public bike systems by applying factor analysis and cluster analysis on the selected urban public bicycle systems around the world. The paper first collects the characteristics of PBS in selected cities around the world and conducts a literature review on the evaluation indicators for key success factors of PBS. Then, it applys factor analysis and cluster analysis to come out 3 main factors and 2 clusters. This research also helps of reviewing the planning works of PBS in New Taipei City and Taichung City based on the success factors. Improvements on the planned PBS systems are proposed. It is expected that the results of this research could be considered as a guideline for development of public bike systems.


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Chen, C. Y. (2015). 公共自行車使用行為及願付價格之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.01243
