  • 學位論文


Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit with External Reinforced Concrete Frame and Shear Wall for Existing Mid- to High-Rise Buildings

指導教授 : 鍾立來


0206年美濃地震造成國內多棟建築物倒塌、引起公眾高度關注,教育部擴編經費、加速改善老舊校舍,現階段有耐震安全疑慮之校舍,預計將於108年獲得改善;可作為緊急防災避難據點之國中小校舍耐震能力無虞後,補強目標將轉為其他耐震不足之結構。考量現階段補強完成之建築多為政府補助之公共建物,故接下來將進行耐震能力提升的可能為區公所、醫院、研究中心等建築。然補強位置則可能碰上中央機房、亦或是精密設備,無法進行遷移;雖以業界常見的木隔間施作做為設施包覆手段可使人員不必全然撤離、然此類假設隔間的防塵效果有限、亦無法針對施工聲音較大之工項進行隔音,遂提出外置RC構架之方法,進行補強之研究。 外置構架補強,即於建築物之外側、沿補強方向新增一抗側力構架,藉以提升建築物耐震能力。先以極限彎矩平衡法,建立一適用於十層樓以下外置構架之柱單位面積側向強度,並參考賴昱志的外置構架補強初步設計法進行改良,供工程師進行補強初步設計。本研究之詳細評估參考國家地震工程研究中心所出版的校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊第三版之建議,使用ETABS進行非線性靜力側推分析,藉此得建築物之容量曲線及轉換後之耐震性能曲線,評估建築物補強前後之耐震能力。提出設計方法後,並以一棟低矮型(四層樓)及一棟中高樓樓層(十一層樓)建築案例進行補強前後的詳細評估、驗證此初步設計方法的適用性、以及補強方法之效果。 本研究於分析過程中,建立以等值牆墩模擬磚牆之方法、避免於側推過程中,與等值斜撐相連接之梁因受集中載重而使桿件提早進入非線性、低估結構整體強度;由於此模擬方式尚未有實驗室試驗進行佐證,故期此研究亦可提供國內含磚牆構架行為之研究方向,使工程師更能掌握結構之受力行為。


Meinong Earthquake in Tainan aroused the whole nation’s concern of seismic hazard in 2016. Since Chi-Chi Earthquake happened in 1999, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan increased the budget on structural retrofit of the school buildings. All the school buildings with insufficient seismic capacity are expected to be reinforced before 2019. After those buildings serving as emergency shelters are strengthened, the retrofit objects may be altered to other public buildings like district offices, hospitals, research buildings, etc., due to the government subsidy. These buildings may contain some equipment not allowed to be shaken or even moved, and moreover, the relocation of the staff is also a huge issue. Therefore, external retrofit method is required to be studied and developed. Retrofit with external frames is to provide additional seismic capacity to existing buildings. This research used ultimate moment equilibrium method to establish lateral strength per cross sectional area for the additional retrofitting columns. This lateral strength can be used in the procedures of preliminary design of retrofit, which can save time and manpower from repeated substitution for retrofit design. The detailed evaluation utilizes ETABS to carry out nonlinear static pushover analysis to obtain the curves of seismic capacity and seismic performance, which is referred to Technology Handbook for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of School Buildings (3rd Edition) published by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). In order to see the original seismic capacity and the effect of retrofit, the detailed evaluation is used for both the existing buildings and those retrofitted. Later, a low-rise residential building (4 stories) and a mid- to high-rise building (11 stories) were chosen to illustrate the preliminary design of retrofit and the result of retrofit with external frames. Another method was established to simulate the behavior of 3-side-bounded brick walls by equivalent columns bearing lateral loading merely. This method can avoid not only the unexpected beforehand nonlinear behavior of beams below brick walls because of the concentrated loads in the existing equivalent-brace method, but also the underestimation of the structural strength. Owing to the shortage of corroboration from corresponding experiment, this method is also needed to be validated, which may help the engineers to comprehend the structural behavior.


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