  • 學位論文


Chinese Mothers’ Joint-Reading Behaviors and Preschoolers’ Reading Interest and Joint-Reading Engagement

指導教授 : 雷庚玲


西方研究顯示,親子共讀時的社會情緒互動與父母的共讀技巧皆可預測孩童的閱讀動機,而閱讀動機與日後的讀寫能力及學業成就有關。華人父母原即十分注重子女的學業成就,然親子共讀並非傳統華人家庭慣常之互動方式。本研究之目的即在觀察華人母親在親子共讀時所顯示的社會情緒互動行為和共讀技巧,並探討其對孩童閱讀動機的預測力。為能在臨床上給予家長適性之共讀建議,本研究並檢驗孩童性別及母親教育程度如何調節母親共讀行為與閱讀動機之關係。本研究並自行發展觀察登錄系統,以捕捉在重視學業之文化思維下的台灣母親的親子共讀行為。共有51對母親與其50至60個月大(M = 55.22)的學齡前孩童完成相隔一至二週的兩次10分鐘的共讀活動錄影,再以時間取樣法登錄母親行為。觀察系統共分兩大向度,並將「社會情緒表達」向度再分成以孩童為中心的行為、以父母為中心的行為兩個次向度;也將「認知與語言教導」向度再分成教導、闡述、封閉性問題,以及開放性問題四個次向度。以母親評量的孩童日常閱讀興趣及觀察者評量之孩童在共讀當時的參與度為結果變項之階層迴歸分析顯示:(1)以孩童為中心的行為可正向預測孩童共讀時的參與度,但無法預測孩童的閱讀興趣;以父母為中心的行為則可負向預測孩童的閱讀興趣和參與度。(2)母親之封閉性問題,對孩童的閱讀興趣有負向預測力。(3)女孩比男孩有較高的閱讀興趣,但孩童性別無法預測共讀參與度。(4)母親的教育程度可調節以父母為中心的行為以及闡述行為對孩童共讀參與度的預測效果。(5)母親的教育程度亦可調節以孩童為中心的行為對孩童閱讀興趣的預測力。藉由本研究所發展之父母共讀行為登錄系統,顯示華人母親的教導行為對閱讀動機沒有顯著影響,但其在親子共讀時以自我為中心的社會情緒表達,如批評、要求速度、不回應等,在兒童的日常閱讀興趣上扮演了負向的角色。以孩童為中心的共讀行為則對母親教育程度較低的孩童之閱讀興趣有正向作用。


Prior research in the Western societies has revealed both the socioemotional interaction and parental reading strategies during parent-child joint-reading sessions significantly predicted children’s reading motivation. Children’s reading motivation, in turn, is related to their later literacy development and school success. Although Chinese parents are much concerned with their children’ academic achievement, shared reading is not a common activity in traditional Chinese families. The goal of this study is to investigate how Chinese mothers’ socioemotional behaviors and joint-reading skills may predict preschoolers’ reading motivation. In order to give Taiwanese parents sensible suggestion suitable for their family background about the way to implement joint-reading activities, this study also examined the moderating effect of child’s sex and maternal education level on the relation between maternal behaviors and child’s reading motivation. A coding scheme was developed in this study to capture the culture-specificity of Chinese mothers’ joint reading behaviors. Fifty-one mothers and their 50- to 60-month-old preschoolers completed two 10-minute joint-reading sessions 7 to 14 days apart. Maternal behaviors were coded into two major behavioral aspects by time sampling method. The aspect of Socioemotional Expression was further divided into two dimensions of Child-Centered Behavior and Parent-Centered Behavior. The aspect of Cognitive/Linguistic Guidance was further divided into four dimensions of Teaching, Elaboration, Specific Question, and Open-Ended Question. Hierarchical regression analyses on maternal rating of child’s everyday reading interest and observer’s rating of joint-reading engagement revealed the following results. (1) Mothers’ Child-Centered Behavior positively predicted child’s reading engagement, but did not predict child’s everyday reading interest. Parent-Centered Behavior inversely predicted child’s reading interest as well as engagement. (2) Specific Question asked by mothers inversely predicted child’s reading interest. (3) Girls showed more everyday reading interest than did boys, but gender could not predict child’s joint-reading engagement. (4) Maternal education level moderated the predictability of Parent-Centered Behavior and Elaboration on child’s joint-reading engagement. (5) Maternal education level also moderated the predictability of Child-Centered Behavior on child’s reading interest. The coding scheme developed in the current study helped revealed that Chinese mothers’ Teaching behavior per se would not harm children’s reading motivation. It was Parent-Centered Behavior, such as criticism, demand for reading tempo, and unresponsiveness, that played a negative role in children’s everyday reading interest. In addition, Child-Centered Behavior played a positive role in reading interest among preschoolers of mothers in the lower bracket of education level.


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