  • 學位論文

ECFA 農業早收清單後續談判之分析

An Analysis of Agricultural Negotiations on Early Harvest List after ECFA

指導教授 : 羅竹平


根據世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,WTO)之統計,截至2012年底,全世界區域經濟貿易協定之數目已有546個,亞洲地區區域經濟貿易整合發展快速,以中國、韓國以及日本為例,在2000年前韓國只簽署亞太貿易協定,但至目前為止韓國已與歐盟、東協、美國、等簽訂FTA;中國大陸在2001年加入WTO後,亦增加對外簽署FTA,在這十幾年間其總共簽署了11 個FTA;而日本方面,在2000年前日本未與任何國家簽訂FTA,而在2002年與對無衝擊日本國內農業部門之國家-新加坡簽訂EPA後,迄今也已對外簽訂了13個FTA,可知區域經濟貿易協定已成為全球貿易政策發展的重心之一。 台灣位於東亞之中心位置,與東南亞國家之經貿頻繁往來,由於其他周邊國家因簽署FTA所以彼此貿易往來為零關稅,若台灣未與其他國家簽署自由貿易協定,則勢必會被邊緣化,台灣未來之經貿發展將備受排擠、孤立,遭受嚴峻之衝擊。 台灣目前雖已與中國大陸簽訂ECFA,但仍堅持來自中國大陸之830項農產品不可進口,未來若欲與其 他國家簽FTA勢必不可能不談農業開放,而如何因應市場開放,拓展農業發展空間,必將成為現今農業刻不容緩的議題。因此,本研究將了解ECFA之每階段降稅成果及分析目前台灣限制來至中國之830項農產品為進一步開放之可行性,並針對未來兩岸經濟進一步協商方向提出看法。


According to WTO of statistics, as of the end of 2012, the world in the number of regional economic trade agreements have been 546, regional trade and economic integration in Asia has developed rapidly in China, Korea and Japan, for example, in 2000 years ago, South Korea signed only the Asia-Pacific trade Agreement, but so far South Korea has with the EU, ASEAN, the United States, such as signing FTA; Chinese mainland in 2001 after joining the WTO, increase signing FTA with foreign, in which a total of ten years of its signed 11 FTA; while Japan, in the year 2000, the Japanese have not signed with any country FTA. in 2002, Japan with no impact on the agricultural sector in the countries - Singapore, after the signing of EPA, has so far signed 13 Foreign FTA, shows that regional economic trade agreements have become the focus of global trade policy development one. Taiwan is located at the center of East Asia, and Southeast Asian countries, frequent exchanges of trade, due to other neighboring countries trade with each other due to the FTA so zero tariffs with other countries if Taiwan does not sign a free trade agreement, is bound to be marginalized, Taiwan future economic development will be highly marginalized, isolated, subjected to tough shocks. Although Taiwan has signed ECFA with China, but still insisted from mainland China's 830 non-agricultural imports, the future If you wish an FTA with other countries not bound to talk about agriculture and opening up, and how to respond to market opening, expanding agricultural development space, agriculture will become an urgent issue today. Therefore, this study will learn ECFA tariff reduction per stage results and analysis of the current restrictions to China in Taiwan's 830 agricultural products in order to further the feasibility of opening up and further consultations for the future direction of cross-strait economic put forward their views.


