  • 學位論文


A Study of New Retail Business Model and Contextual Revolution’s Impact on Budget Coffee Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳家麟


自從2016年馬雲提出新零售商業模式後,人貨場發展模式與場景營造等概念為全球零售與消費品市場帶來了前所未有的變化,而此影響範圍也包含了咖啡零售業者,目前正受到全球矚目的中國瑞幸咖啡就是一家定位為新零售咖啡營運商的最佳範例。另一方面,台灣咖啡市場產值雖超越700億新台幣,每人每年平均咖啡飲用量也已超過200杯,但市場中主要業者目前仍維持傳統零售模式,且台灣咖啡消費者對於中國市場逐漸興起的新零售模式也無過多了解與想像。 綜合前述背景,本研究將選定2017年成立且在中國咖啡市場市佔率已位居第二的中國瑞幸咖啡為個案研究對象,並利用Osterwalder, Pigneur & Smith (2010) 之《獲利世代》與Osterwalder, Pigneur, Bernarda & Smith (2014) 之《價值主張年代》二書作為分析工具,輔以個案研究法、次級資料分析法與半結構式訪談法等研究方式,希望探討「新零售模式」以及「場景革命」對於台灣平價咖啡連鎖業者與消費者之影響,並進階思考台灣當前平價咖啡連鎖業者與消費者對於如此商業主張之接受程度與未來發展性,並提供一完整之策略建議。 透過價值適配研究可以發現,台灣平價咖啡消費者目前對於咖啡飲品之想像大多仍停留於產品功能面,對於社交面之任務與獲益需求則較顯薄弱,而這也侷限了咖啡消費場景進一步延伸的可能性。 因此,本研究認為瑞幸咖啡價值主張中最核心的全通路模式、外送服務以及其成功的品牌形象營造等面向正是台灣平價咖啡連鎖業者當前得以學習的目標。透過採取瑞幸咖啡商業模式,本研究也期望台灣業者能成功延伸消費者對於咖啡消費與飲用場景之想像,並進一步提升咖啡業者於台灣飲品市場之整體競爭力。


Since the New Retail Business Model was introduced by Jack Ma, the co-founder of Alibaba Group, back in 2016, its concept as well as the booming “contextual revolution” have reshaped the retail industry around the world, including China’s Luckin Coffee, one of the most fast-growing coffeehouse chains in the world. However, on the other hand, while the coffee industry in Taiwan has been growing for the past 20 years, leading coffeehouse chains in the market still maintain traditional retail models, with Taiwanese customers having little understanding about the application of the New Retail model on the coffee purchasing experience. With this background, Luckin Coffee, which adopts the concept of the New Retail model and contextual revolution into its value proposition, is selected as the object of the case study. In order to understand and examine the impacts of New Retail model and contextual revolution on Taiwanese coffee industry and customers, Osterwalder, Pigneur & Smith’s (2010) “Business Model Generation” and Osterwalder, Pigneur, Bernarda & Smith’s (2014) “Value Proposition Design” are used as the analytical tools to complete the business model and value map of Luckin Coffee. Meanwhile, Semi-structured Interviews are used to complete the Taiwanese customer profile. Then, the value map would be compared with the customer profile, to examine the feasibility of Luckin Coffee’s value proposition in Taiwan market, and think about the future prospects of Taiwanese coffeehouse chains. From the result of the above analysis, we’ve found that coffee customers in Taiwan remain in the stage of pursuing “Functional Jobs” rather than “Social Jobs/Gains” regarding to their coffee purchase behaviors, and this customer behavior actually limits the possibility to build and extend the variety of the coffee purchasing/drinking context. Therefore, at the end of the thesis, we propose that the core value of Lucking Coffee, including “Omni-Channel Retailing”, “Delivery Service” and “Successful Brand Value”, should be the target for Taiwanese coffeehouse chains to learn and pursue. By adopting the so called “Luckin Model”, the study expects to extend Taiwanese customers’ understanding and imagination of the coffee purchasing/drinking context, and further improve the coffeehouse chains’ competitive advantages in the beverage market.


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