  • 學位論文


Remaking Ecology:The Conservation of Formosan landlocked Salmon in Shei-Pa National Park

指導教授 : 林開世


本論文以人類世(Anthropocene)開啟的思考脈絡出發,討論在當代「自然」與人類兩者雙重滲透的理解下,我們如何重新看待野生動物保育?透過雪霸國家公園的台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭保育計畫為研究對象,展現保育實踐中眾多非人行動者(nonhuman actor)、台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭、與人類活動如何塑造與回應保育計畫。具體而言,在大規模高山農業發展的核心地帶,國家公園造就鮭魚族群數量逐漸穩定且擴張分佈範圍的保育方式,包含:棲息地維護、養殖與人工繁殖技術、域外放流、與周邊社區合作等,皆是依附在鮭魚本身性質與眾多行動者的關係網絡中。在此,保育並非國家公園由上而下的治理或以原住民社區為主體相互抵抗的敘事,也不是全球環境主義的地方化,或台灣國族意識的再現。本論文強調保育作為一種開放的定義,提供參與其中的行動者不同的機會與問題,由日常生活的保育景觀出發,鮭魚的性質和與人類的關係也在保育過程中轉變,並構成當地生活景觀的一部分。因此,台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭的保育並非面對經濟農業發展下對於生態系的復舊,更涉及人類與多樣非人物種共同創建生態系的過程,呈現超越破壞和保護二元觀點的其他可能。 本論文主軸共有以下三點:一、反省自然(生態)/文化(人類活動)的二元取向,強調在此區域保育是在農業的基礎上開展,並作為農業活動的一部分,並非全然對於生態系的復舊,更是對於生態系的人為積極塑造與眾多非人物種間的緊張關係。二、鮭魚的性質也與其他非人物種在不同尺度中形塑保育計畫,因此並非由國家公園由上而下主導,以及原住民對魚的在地知識兩者取徑所能涵蓋的。三、保育作為開放性的定義。當地人對於保育的理解是開放性的,計畫在不同的尺度規模中重新捲入新的能動者,並衍生不同的問題與機會。最終在非人物種、農業經濟發展、人類活動間形成一幅壯觀的保育景觀。


This essay aims to discuss how contemporary wildlife conservation is embedded within the mutual penetration of human and “nature” in the age of the Anthropocene. By taking the reservation of Formosan Landlocked Salmon of Shei-Pa National Park as the research subject, this thesis discusses how numerous nonhuman actors, Formosan Landlocked Salmons, and human activities co-constitute and respond to the reservation scheme. To be specific, in the core area that witnessed the massive development of alpine husbandry, the national park has made the gradual growth of the number of salmon as well as its expansion into distributed terrains as its primary means of reservation, which is dependent upon the relational networks between the inherent nature of salmons and numerous actors. Its practice includes the maintenance of habitats, artificial propagation techniques, the release of salmon into area beyond its ruled territories, and cooperation with surrounding communities, etc. In this regard, the reservation was neither the product of the top-down approach of the governmentality of the national park, nor the result of the mutual resistance and subjectivity of the aboriginal communities, the localization of global environmentalism, or the representation of Taiwan’s nationalist consciousness. Alternatively, this essay regards reservation as a process open to definition, creating different problems and opportunities for engaged actors. Viewing from the standpoint of everyday conservation landscape, the nature of salmon and its relation to human being have also evolved in the reservation process, becoming part of the local life landscape. Therefore, the reservation of Formosan Landlocked Salmon is not the restoration of the ecological system under the development of economic agriculture. It further involves the process in which human and numerous nonhuman beings co-constitute the ecological system, which provides us with many other possibilities to transcend the dualist view that sees this process either as destruction or preservation. In retrospect, this essay evolves around three theses: 1. To reflect upon the theoretical assumption of the duality between nature (ecology) and culture (human activities) by arguing that this regional reservation project is based upon the development of agriculture and has been a part of agricultural activities. Therefore, the reservation is not the total restoration of an ecological system. Rather, it is the positive and manmade construction of ecology that has created tension with many nonhuman species. 2. The properties of salmon and other nonhuman species have also shaped the reservation scheme on different scales. Therefore, the reservation is not commanded by the national park from top to bottom, nor is it shaped by the local knowledge of aboriginal people about the salmon. These two approaches are both unable to bring the case study under its conclusion. 3. Reservation is open to definition. This means that the understanding of reservation for local people is an open process, always re-involving new actors on different scales under its scheme and yielding different problems and opportunities alike. In the end, it has drawn nonhuman species, the development of agricultural economy, and human activities onto a spectacular reservation landscape.


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1935 〈大甲溪の鱒に關する生態學的研究〉。《植物及動物學報》4(2):1-13。
