  • 學位論文


Back on track: Why and How College Students Terminate Academic Procrastination

指導教授 : 黃囇莉


本論文中旨在探究大學生為何、如何中斷學業拖延,以及將中斷拖延的念頭化為實際行動。論文共進行三個研究,研究一為前導研究,以問卷調查法針對 123 位就讀過大學的受試者蒐集資料,其中男性 59 名,女性 64 名,平均21.3 歲。結果顯示,有 90%受試者會因為「所剩的時間不多」、「覺得自己不能如此頹廢」及「持續拖延會對未來產生不好的結果」中斷拖延。而 70%受試者認為「重要他人對自身的期待」、「反省過去拖延經驗」是中斷拖延的重要原因。研究二為質性研究,利用研究一所得可能中斷拖延的原因,針對 16 位受訪者進行訪談,在比較拖延階段與中斷拖延階段後顯示:中斷拖延階段,受訪者有較多的自我覺察,無論是思考自己做事的動機或是在意重要他人對自己的看法;時間觀方面,從傾向於立即享樂的現在快樂主義轉為會考慮可能後果的未來時間觀;思維模式方面,從不相信努力的固定思維轉為相信努力可以改變結果的成長思維。此外,受訪者表示抑制分心、先苦後甘以及盡力而為的想法可幫助他們將中斷拖延的念頭化為實際行動。研究三為量化研究,旨在驗證質性研究中獲得的重要命題。以 627 位就讀過大學的受試者進行閱讀短文的類實驗,其中男性 310 名,女性 317 名,平均年齡 21.4 歲。結果顯示,公我意識、現在快樂主義及固定思維無法中斷拖延,而私我意識、未來時間觀及成長思維能夠中斷拖延。當個人越有私我意識、未來時間觀及成長思維時,就越可能抑制分心,且產生先苦後甘與盡力而為的想法,進而有實際的行動。最後,本論文從研究結果給予大學生學習上的建議,並提出未來研究的方向。


This paper investigated why and how college students terminate academic procrastination and materialize the idea of terminating procrastination. Three separate studies were conducted. The first research is a pilot study that adopted the questionnaire survey approach to collect data from 123 participants who have enrolled in college degree programs, including 59 males and 64 females, average age is 21.3 years old. Results show that 90% of respondents would terminate academic procrastination out of concerns including "there is not much time left," "I cannot be in such a slump," and "continued procrastination would lead to unfavorable results in the future." Also, 70% of respondents considered that the main reasons for terminating procrastination are "the expectations of significant others" and "reflections on past procrastination experiences." The second research took a qualitative approach. It used the possible reasons for terminating procrastination from the first research to conduct focus interviews with 16 individuals. After comparing the procrastination phase and the termination of procrastination phase, it is demonstrated that: at the termination of the procrastination phase, interviewees showed more self-awareness, including introspection of their motivations to take action and becoming concerned about significant others' opinion of themselves. In terms of their perspective on time, the interviewees shifted away from the hedonistic view that focuses on enjoying the moment, and they started to consider the consequences that may take place in the future.With regard to their state of mind, they shifted away from a fixed mindset that is polemical against the concept of hard work and adopted a growth mindset, believing that hard work may bring about change. Also, interviewees indicated that they were able to inhibit distractions, and concepts such as hard work would lead to fruitful ends or to strive as much as one is able could help them transform notions of terminating procrastination into real action. The third research adopted a quantitative approach, and it was aimed at testing the important issues identified in the qualitative research. A pseudo-experiment was conducted, targeting 627 participants who have enrolled in college degree programs, including 310 males and 317 females, average age is 21.7 years old. They were assigned short essay readings. Results show that the sense of the public self-consciousness, hedonism, and fixed mindset cannot terminate procrastination, but the sense of private self-consciousness, future time perspective, and growth mindset can terminate procrastination. When an individual's sense of private self-consciousness, future time perspective, and growth mindset increases, the likelihood to inhibit distraction, and concepts such as hard work would lead to fruitful ends or maximum dedication tend to take shape, leading to the likelihood of the individual to take real action. Lastly, this study provided recommendations on learning acquisition for college students based on the research results, and propose future avenues of research.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191.
