  • 學位論文


Lust of Heterotopia: BDSM Practice Spaces in Taipei and Shanghai

指導教授 : 畢恆達


本文從空間的視角切入,除了介紹作為與性和情慾有關的BDSM文化的基本知識和解釋BDSM的行為之外,將重點放在了介紹台北和上海這兩個商業性國際大都市的BDSM實踐空間現狀和社群發展歷史脈絡,並做出比較研究。 筆者借用Michel Foucault(1986)所提出的異托邦這一概念來描述這些在介於想像世界與現實世界之間的情慾空間,並借用了建築師Rem Koolhaas在1995年所寫的著作《S,M,L,XL》來建構BDSM的空間分類。 本文「S,M,L,XL」中的S對應小型的、私人性的空間,這些空間主要對應的行為是相對私密的調教,比如為實踐BDSM而改造的私人住宅、出租調教室、私人調教室。M對應的是相對公開或半公開的空間,主要對應的行為是BDSM聚會、課程等具有社群活動性質的空間。在L中,將主要探討這些BDSM實踐空間與所在城市的關係,從區位、都市文化、都市治理等層面去分析前述兩種空間與所在城市之間的關係。XL則從更宏觀的社會政治、經濟、文化去做分析和比較,探討BDSM作為一種次文化與主流文化和治理之間錯綜複雜、愛恨交織的關係。


The thesis describes the basic knowledge and practices of BDSM culture from spatial perspective. Besides, it focuses on spaces of practice and the historical context of the development of BDSM communities in Taipei and Shanghai. The concept of Heterotopia proposed by Michel Foucault was used to examine the erotic BDSM spaces which exist between the imaginary and real world. Moreover, BDSM spaces were classified into S, M, L, and XL inspired by Rem Koolhaas’s book. In this thesis, S among S, M, L, XL corresponds to small and private spaces where private discipline training was practiced. S spaces could be a private residence modified for BDSM practices, rental dungeons, or private BDSM themed rooms. M spaces are relatively public or semi-public spaces where social gatherings, courses, or shows were held. In the L section, the author examined the relationships between BDSM spaces and their metropolitan context in terms of location, urban culture, and urban governance. As the XL section, BDSM was seen as a subculture which had a complex and ambivalent relationship with mainstream culture from the social, cultural, and economic perspectives.


BDSM Heterotopia The production of space Lust Boundary work


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