  • 學位論文


Concrete Bodies, Forest Hearts: The Social Resilience and Resistance of Sarawak’s Penan in the Period of Post-Environmental Movement

指導教授 : 羅素玫


本論文以在馬來西亞砂拉越熱帶雨林地區與Penan人共同生活的民族誌為本,探討資本力量如何藉由日常尺度以涉入當代地方社群,而地方族人在環境抗爭後期如何透過抵抗行為與社會關係維持的轉向來回應現代性資本主義。面對跨族群、地域及資本階層等新生活秩序的形構之上,社群内部如何處理「集體性」下的差異性經驗。從日常場域中的衝突與協商面向,嘗試定位Penan人權力概念之屬性,以探視當代原住民族展現社會韌性之可能。 Penan人其族群歷史特殊性,在過去數十年來因馬來西亞國內林木業經濟與國際環境保護議題而成為不同立場之間對陣論述的籌碼。置身在整體的國家現代性發展計畫與環境主義抗爭歷史中,Penan人與「森林守護者」、「傳統狩獵採集社會」、「被動受害者」等形象相互依存。Penan人自1980年代開始以身體行動投入伐木抗爭行列。然而,砂拉越北中部的部分Penan社群在歷史更迭下如今所呈現的抵抗意識,在政黨政治、伐木機構與環境保護組織之間複雜的關係立場中產生了微妙轉向。藉由對抗爭行為轉變的原因進行提問,我將以四種層面來理解不同行動者在環境地景之上所交織構成的社會關係。首先,說明資本生產與地方社會生活的變異關係,牽涉伐木場的執行人員與地方族人在「家戶」單位產生情感上的連結,共構出一套經濟利益以外的生活經驗與社會關係。第二,探究勞動市場與技術產品逐漸驅動著族人對於生計方式的選擇取向,族人如何在移動的過程中以自身主體性來透過物質與原鄉土地重新產生連結。第三,著重在村子内部的資源競爭與不合作現象,討論族人成員在集體生活場域如何突顯彼此之間的位階差異,並在衝突處理方法上挑戰現行領導權和習俗法典的框架規範。其四則關注族人在展現韌性與建構新社會秩序過程中承擔何種程度的情緒成本,藉由在河岸地景處理垃圾的「隱藏文本」來展演其政治性敘事。


This thesis is based on ethnographic fieldwork among the settled Penan community, with whom I am mainly concerned in interior central of tropical forest, which locates in Sarawak, Malaysia. The icons of resistance and spirit of environmental guardianship are claimed to the Penan due to publication at the forefront of the international platform by environmental activists according to the dramatic upsurge in the issue of forest degradation since the 1980s. Regarding the current phenomena in wage employment and intermarriage relationship with logging developers, I attempt to research on the question that how commonly defined “hunter-gatherer” Penan community presents their affinity towards market opportunities, and the engagement of extractive capitalism in daily life is both a question of social relations and a political issue of subjectivity. In examining the zone of ambiguity towards economic development and balance in livelihood, my analysis leads to rethinking the notion of collectivity in Penan community, whereby actors with differential bodily experiences to express their subjectivities towards the statements of development, rather than identified cultural identity as isolated entities. Further, as witnessed the resource contention in daily life, it discerns a linkage to the politics of capital accumulation, where a specific form of domination is created. Therefore, I would explore Penan’s concept of power relations with my focus on local leadership and the negotiation process in the context of customary right. Lastly, I will argue that the recognition of landscape is within the context of cognitive and politically imaginative dimensions based on their current way of livelihood under modernization, rather merely a concrete narration and disengaged from the particular sentiments of the local community. Thus, Penan’s responses to river pollution are required to examine the aspect of continuity for the landscape as a source of a hidden transcript. The conceptual aim is to offer a more sensitive perspective of the human cause of river pollution in local, with their past memory of resistance, and social resilience to engage in current living status in the period of post-environmental movement.


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