  • 學位論文


The Association Between Body Mass Index and Workplace Aggression

指導教授 : 郭育良


研究目的:職場霸凌為一嚴重的職業壓力來源,除了可能影響個體身心狀況,存在霸凌狀況的工作環境對勞工工作表現和團體效率等也有負面影響,過去已有許多研究集中在評估過重與肥胖的兒童與青少年和其遭受同儕霸凌的相關性,而本研究目的則在於評估職場霸凌是否和身體質量指數相關。 方法:本研究乃根據勞研所於 2016 年進行之「工作環境安全衛生狀況認知調 查」,其研究對象為具代表性抽樣之台灣地區工作者。以問卷調查工作者是否在過去一年內曾遭受過職場霸凌。並以羅吉斯回歸評估勞工身體質量指數與遭受職場霸凌之相關性,同時調整年齡、性別、教育程度、婚姻狀態及工作場所相關風險因子。 結果:以 28,638 位工作者為研究對象,總共回收問卷 22,069 份,扣除未完成問卷者,最後以 14,600 筆資料進行分析。10.4%工作者在過去一年內曾經遭受職場霸凌。高風險因子包含體重過輕或肥胖、女性、較年輕的工作者、未婚、擁有大學以上學歷、非長期雇用或是約聘工作者、服務及銷售業、長工時、夜班工作、中型工作場所人數、工會成員及年資較淺者。在調整各項風險因子後,肥胖者受到職場霸凌的勝算比仍有 1.32(95% C.I=1.13-1.56)。 結論:職場霸凌在台灣仍有不可忽視的盛行率,本研究發現許多與職場霸凌發生相關的風險因子,而在調整各項風險因子後,身體質量指數與遭受職場霸凌仍有相關性。


Introduction: Workplace aggression is an occupational stressor causing harmful effects on its victims. Objective: The purpose of the present research was to explore the relationship between Body Mass Index to workplace aggression among adult workers in Taiwan. Material: A national survey (n = 28,638) of perceptions of safety and health in the work environment in 2016 Taiwan. Measurements: Association workplace aggression outcomes with risk factors were characterized by odds ratios(OR) and associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), estimated by logistic regression models. Results: The prevalence of physical violence, verbal abuse, psychological violence and sexual harassment in the past year were 1.0%, 9.2%, 4.6%, and 1.1% respectively. The overall prevalence of workplace aggression was 10.4%. Underweight, obesity, female, younger age, unmarried, college or higher education level, non-regular contract, service and sales, longer work hour, evening and night shift workers, medium-size working environment, short working tenure and participated in the union were identified as significant risk factors for overall workplace aggression. Obesity workers significantly associated with exposure to overall workplace aggression, verbal abuse, and psychological abuse. Conclusions: Our study supported previous research that several risk factors that might increase the risk of workplace aggression, also clearly shows that some BMI groups had higher risk of experience in some particular workplace aggression.


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