  • 學位論文


Studying on the Ttransformation of the Maritime and Port Administration system in Taiwan 1999-2012

指導教授 : 林子倫


我國航港體制之所以需要重大的變革,除了全球化外在環境的巨變不得不然外,更因港務局的事權存在著「政企不分」等問題,諸如︰原體制下各港務局為各港商港管理機關,也是當地航政主管機關,有礙經營效率與業務推展,無法充分發揮國家港埠整體競爭力;再加上各先進國家港埠經營巳由國內港口經營轉趨於全球化經營。當今前十大國際港,幾乎都已採行「政企分離」經營模式,因此,為提升航港國際競爭力,我國航港體制改革勢在必行。 1996年,政府為促進經濟發展,規劃將臺灣建設為亞太營運中心,正式開啟我國航港體制變革。回顧我國航港組織體制長達14年的變革過程,歷經民營化、市港合一公法人(行政法人)體制,因相關利害人及外在政經環境之角力折衝,未竟其功。後鑑於桃園國際航空站政企分離成功經驗,及各國實施政企分離公司化,終於在2012年3月1日完成改制,將原各港務局航政及港政涉及公權力業務,成立航港局負責;另成立臺灣港務公司,專營港埠事業之經營,以達「對內協調分工,對外統合競爭」綜效。 檢視新制,仍有頗多值得改進之處,例如,港務公司為政府獨資之國營事業,對外投資受限太多,且二組織間仍存在著權責不清及組織結構仍不理想等問題,有必要重新檢討其定位、使命與策略,爰提出以下建議︰ 一、我國航運高專業、高效益、高競爭力的發展策略,要深化成為政企雙方人員的核心思維。 二、政企兩方間管理權責劃分應具體明確,不許有灰色地帶。 三、政企兩方人員均應同步積極培育高品質之國際化專業人才。 四、港務公司營運發展策略,需朝拓展國外市場「與民興利」方向調整。 五、港務分公司因地制宜之業務宜鬆綁,始能自主發揮更具效益之營運功能。 六、航港局組織及功能可再研調精進。


It is essential and right time reform the maritime and port system in Taiwan to enhance its operating efficiency and international competitiveness. Since the former harbor bureau’s functions had many issues under the vague system of public administration and enterprise operation; they were not only the local maritime administrator but the port businessmen; and moreover, the 10 largest ports in the advanced countries have already adopted the separation of public administration from enterprise operation for globalization. In 1996, to promote economy development, the government made some plans to construct Taiwan to be an Asia-Pacific Reginal Operations Center to begin the maritime and port reform. Then the reform successively went through some unsatisfied changes: privatization, city-port unification, public corporation, and corporatization. They were not successful due to the conflicts between the people, the politicians, and the enterprises involved. Soon afterward, in view of the successful cases of Taoyuan International Air Station and some foreign corporations, the separation of public administration from enterprise operation was established on March 1, 2012. Examining the new system, it still has a number of things to be improved, such as the limited external investment for the nationalized ports corporation, the role playing, the enterprise mission and developing strategies, the personnel deployment, and the departmental functions and duties. Therefore some proposals are made here as follows: 1.The developing strategy for operating the shipping industry with high professionalism, high efficiency, and high competitiveness should become the core creed of every staff member in both bodies of government and enterprise. 2.Both bodies of government and enterprise should be active in training and developing high quality international rofessionals. 3.The functions and duties of both bodies of government and enterprise should be located clearly and definitely. 4.To increase foreign markets and people’s profit should be the developing strategy of Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC). 5.The branches of TIPC should be delegated more functions to increase their operation efficiency and benefit. 6.The organization and functions of the Maritime and port Bureau could be improved better.


