  • 學位論文


A Development Trend of Internet Marketing Under the 5th Generation Mobile Network

指導教授 : 湯明哲


行動通訊科技早已經成為了我們日常生活的必需品。十幾年以來,行動通訊已從過去只限用於特定用途或特定身份使用,演變到如今人人都能獲得網路近用的景況。 最近幾年,4G行動通訊科技成功的講網際網路變成每個人的一部分,並使得大眾可以使用眾多聯網的應用,無論硬體或軟體皆然。然而,由於科技的推進以及人們使用聯網裝置與傳送網路資料的頻率與數量大幅提升,4G網路面臨了其技術的瓶頸,迫使產業必須獲得更快速且負載能力更優越的行動通訊技術,用以支援其正在開發或預想要開發的應用。而5G將有望解決目前的難題,5G將帶來的不僅只是過往4G的延伸,而是更多在速度上、延遲上等等的革新改變。這些改變,則將可能全面翻轉我們當前熟悉的,與網際網路習習相關的世界。 一直以來,科技的進展便與網路行銷的型態息息相關,科技變革可能帶給網路行銷的行為者更多難題或機會,但無可否認,科技的確會形塑網路行銷呈現的樣貌。在不久以前,許多人才驚覺科技已經將社會大眾的注意力,很大一部分從傳統媒體轉移到數位媒體,這也造成了許多品牌商與廣告主不得不改變其行銷的策略,致使許許多多新興的網路行銷工具與方法的產生,顯示了當科技與網路行銷的變化密不可分之下,我們必須隨時緊跟趨勢,這也意味著當我們明白5G就在不遠時,了解其帶來的影響的重要性。然而筆者仍認為我們應該正面看待這些或許稍顯快速的改變,並試圖先一步抓住每個改變帶來的機會。


Mobile communication has become an everyday commodity. In the last decades, it has evolved from a technology for few individuals to today's ubiquitous system used by the majority. In recent years, 4G has become a successful mobile wireless technology, serving over one billion users in the world and handling a wide range of application. However, owing to The ongoing developments in technologies as well as the unprecedented growth in the number of connected devices and mobile data, researchers in many industry are looking for other ways to increase speed and capacity of mobile communication and support those ongoing developments. Fifth generation (5G) is the solution and the future of information networks. When it comes to 5G, the difference is dramatic. For example, 5G system will support data rates to 10-50 Gbps for low mobility and provide end-to-end latency of less than 5 ms. 5G isn't just the incremental advance of fourth-generation. As the successor to 4G, 5G is set to completely transform the way we do almost everything related to Internet. Technology is an important driving factor in shaping international marketing, and the changing technological environment may pose threats or present opportunities for international marketing. With the evolution of mobile communication technology, people's attention turn away from the traditional advertising domains of TV and print and towards their electronic devices and bring a lot of ordeals to marketers and brands . The merging of technology and marketing means that almost all aspects of marketing have changed very dramatically with the on-changing technological environment. The first 5G networks will be expected to arrive in 2020, which makes knowing the development trend of Internet marketing important. Technology is continuing to change the way we view marketing, but the future is bright and full of opportunities, unless marketers and brands don’t recognize how crucial the role it plays.


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