  • 學位論文


Back to rural:Edible Landscape as Social Practice of Retirement for the Elderly

指導教授 : 周素卿


都市農耕近年來作為因應氣候變遷及食安議題的可能解決途徑,已然成為一股世界潮流,在各個城市角落以社區園圃、屋頂菜園等形式出現。透過都市農耕的復甦,將農業帶往休閒與教育的層次,突破農業生產的功能,也因為其休閒屬性使得農業得以融入常民的生活,同時也將農耕的身體從辛勤勞苦、營養不均衡中解放。新北市也於2015年推動可食地景政策,鼓勵民眾申請基地認養並提供經費協助建置菜園,更加速了都市農耕面積的擴張。2018年台灣正式邁入「高齡社會」,新北市作為台灣65歲以上老年人口最多的縣市,其中曾為清領時期的重要商港、如今轉為臺灣工業重鎮的新莊區,是城鄉移民潮的人口聚集地,也是北部開發最早的地區之一,其濃厚的移民歷史也使得農耕行動在此處發生。退休意味著人的生命歷程進入老年階段的開始,成為社會中潛在需要被照顧的無生產力人口。因此,當我們使用「療癒」一詞在形容退休人士的都市農耕日常行動,甚至作為政策設計農園建立的目的亦或是對於菜園的使用原則之時,是否也定義了他們在社會中的身份與價值?在退休生活的想像中,都市農耕為參與者所帶來的療癒感是被如何描述及形塑的?參與農耕行動的退休人士及高齡者又是如何看待療癒對於他們的影響? 本研究欲透過參與觀察進入田野地,輔以半結構式訪談及文史資料分析,以利理解退休生活與日常農耕行動之間的關聯,並從可食地景的療癒性作為切入點,探討高齡者的退休生活如何透過農耕產生社會實踐,因此本研究欲以新北市新莊區建安里、後德里與雙鳳里所在的七個可食地景作為案例,探討臺灣社會在進入老齡社會的狀態下,藉由退休人士的農耕生活如何展現出社會中對於老齡化的想像,形塑出城市中不同老的樣貌。


Urban farming has become a global trend in response to climate change and food safety issues in recent years. It has appeared in the form of home gardens, community gardens and roof gardens. Because of the recovery of farming in cities, agriculture is brought to the level of leisure and education, and being integrated into the daily lives of people. Nevertheless, the labor body is also liberated from hard work and nutritional imbalance. Another reason that farming actions have changed the daily landscape of urban leisure life is the migration of urban-rural immigrants. These immigrants brought their agricultural abilities and memories into the cities, trying to seek the sense of belonging or some just struggling for survival. In the case study of New Taipei City, the policy of rural edible landscape was promoted in 2015, the urban-rural migration in 1960s helps us understand the types of agricultural production which reveal the meaning of the different social classes and the emotional attachment projected by the imagination. On the other hand, the spatial design of the farmland also shapes the different action appeals and the healing purposes of physical labor, as a comparison of the operational mechanism of the social stratification. Through the concept of materiality and spatiality, we could understand the social construction of daily life, and to reflect the material and spatial significance of farming actions in urban-rural migration. In response to different social stratification of life demands and expectations.


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