  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Tourists’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for B&B in Hangzhou

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


隨著生活水平的提高,人們的休閒旅遊活動日趨增加。同時,遊客的需求日益多層次,不再滿足於傳統純觀光的旅遊模式,轉而追求更深度的旅遊體驗。而民宿住宿作為與當地人接觸與交流最直接的方式,不僅能滿足遊客的住宿需求,更增進遊客對旅遊地風俗習慣、歷史文化和傳統特色的瞭解。另一方面,民宿的發展也有利於豐富當地居民生活,提升其收入,且利於特色文化之保存與發揚。 過去的中國大陸的研究基本從民宿產業或將民宿作為一個整體產品進行研究,從產品不同屬性角度的研究較為缺乏。因此,本研究將以問卷調查的方式,探討遊客之民宿住宿行為,並使用選擇模型(choice model)分析遊客對杭州民宿的偏好及其願付價格(willingness to pay),同時分析不同特性之遊客的差異。 研究結果發現,MNL模型與RPL模型分析結果相似,遊客對「有特色體驗」、「特色餐飲」和「推薦評價4.8分」具有顯著正向偏好;而對「推薦評價4.5分」和基本方案具有顯著負向偏好。採用LCM分析結果表明,不同特徵之遊客對民宿屬性的偏好不同。分組情況下,曾住過民宿之較高收入外地年長遊客對「特色體驗」、「特色餐飲」、「推薦評價4.8分」具有顯著的正向偏好,最註重吃到當地的特色餐飲,且傾向選擇高分數或低分是之評價;而未曾住過民宿之較低收入本地年輕遊客對「有特色體驗」和「推薦評價4.5分」具有顯著的正向偏好,即最看重特色體驗,但對特色餐飲沒有明顯喜好,在選擇推薦評價時較為中庸。建議民宿從業者可增加合理價格的特色體驗和餐飲服務,並根據民宿特點選擇特定的目標族群。


杭州 民宿 選擇模型 願付價格


With the improvement of living standards, people gradually more and more participate in leisure travelling activities. Meanwhile, the needs of tourists are increasingly becoming multi-level, and are no longer satisfied with the traditional model which is only for sightseeing, instead, pursuing in-depth tourism experience. As the most direct way to contact with the local people, the B&B not only meets the accommodation needs of tourists, but also let the tourists know more about customs, history, culture and traditional features of tourist attractions. In addition, the development of B&B is also conducive to enriching local residents’ life and enhancing their income, and will benefit the preservation and development of culture. Most of the previous literatures were focused on the industrial level, such as the definition and development of B&B, or the survey of tourists' satisfaction with B&B, but rarely studied on the preference of tourists to B&B quantitatively. Therefore, this research, by means of questionnaire, will explore the behaviors of tourists' B&B accommodation, and use choice model to analyze the preferences and willingness to pay of tourists to B&B in Hangzhou, and the differences among tourists with different characteristics. The result of MNL model is quite similar with RPL model, which shows that, in general, tourists have a positive significant preference for " characteristic experience", "local food", however, they have significant negative preferences for "recommendation rating of 4.5" and ASC. On the other hand, LCM model shows that older tourists with high income, who do not live in Hangzhou now and have stayed in B&B are of significant positive preference for " characteristic experience", " local food" and "recommended rating of 4.8"; on the contrary, those young tourists with low income, who live in Hangzhou now and have never stayed in B&B, have significant positive preferences for " characteristic experience"and "recommended rating of 4.5".


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