  • 學位論文


Virtual Spatial Allocation for Probe Vehicle Data Observation and Compaction

指導教授 : 張堂賢


近年,政府及學術單位皆積極投入資源進行探針車相關研究與發展,然此類研究大多未深入探討探針車資料的彙整與演算過程的資訊系統架構,因此少有研究成果被實際用於當代交通應用情境。   資訊系統架構可有效提升研究的效率與發展性,且穩健的架構可使研究人員專注於運算分析等理論研究,而結合應用時下進步的地理資訊系統(GIS)或網頁瀏覽器技術後,研究分析成果將能更好地實時發布與展示。本研究探討探針車資料的處理方法與應用方式,文中分析現有方法與應用中潛在的缺點與障礙,構思提出虛擬觀測點的概念,並透過實作一系統來具體驗證此概念的成效。其中,「虛擬觀測點」是一個可透過探針車資料動態生成與映射的資料點,其包含了地理位置與探針車觀測資料紀錄,可將一筆筆探針車資料進行融合、生成、分析等操作。本研究所開發支系統分為兩個主要部分,一為系統伺服器,負責運行虛擬觀測點;二為視覺化分析介面,藉由網頁可存取虛擬觀測點的資料,將資料顯示於視覺化介面上,研究人員可使用該互動介面,直覺地檢視資料成果。   本研究期望提升探針車資料實用價值,擴大資料的實用性與通用性,並提供研究人員一個有效利用探針車資料的方法,執行與發展探針車相關研究。研究者將能更方便地將成果發布,直接部署應用於真實環境,有助於交通工程的實務發展。包含:跨平台的的運算系統、資料視覺化分析介面、資料圖層比對分析、區域定點資料截取、動態分析與演算、資料混合來源蒐集、資料紀錄存續、以及路網解耦。


Governments and institutions had worked on much research of the analysis of probe vehicle data, to support transportation strategies making and to deliver better traffic information. Although there was numerous outstanding research in the field, research outcomes were rare to be utilized in practice. One of the reasons was the lack of the well-defined system infrastructure, which could be scalable, extendable, and sustainable for organizing and deployment. Moreover, the system had to be friendly to use for researchers who were unfamiliar with computer operation. Accordingly, the purpose of this research was to illustrate a method “Virtual Observation Spot” with a well-defined system, which was designed to execute the process of the data observation and compaction work. The system contained a cross-platform data processing server and an intuitive data visualization interface which helped researchers to visually evaluate the data, and construct an analysis system in minutes. To conclude, the system assisted and encouraged researchers to implement and deploy their research, also enabled researchers to concentrate on the data analysis work.


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