  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of Environmental Quality of Comprehensive Design Area in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林建元


台北市政府在1983年「台北市土地使用分區管制規則」開始訂定「綜合設計放寬與容積獎勵」,作為執行綜合設計開放空間獎勵的依據。而在1997年由於「至善天下事件」引發「開放空間不開放」爭議,乃於1999年修法時取消「住宅區」獎勵資格,除考量建物高度放寬和獎勵容積可能會對地區環境有不好的影響外,主要原因乃是綜合設計留設之開放空間的管理問題。理論上,綜合設計希望提供建築開發者誘因且賦予規劃設計上的彈性,誘導建築開發案件擺脫過去僅以最大樓地板面積為考量的設計形態,並提升地區整體環境品質。 就台北市的經驗觀之,綜合設計開放空間的管理問題成為取消住宅區獎勵的最主要理由,但綜合設計開放空間容積獎勵政策原本欲提升居住環境品質的立意卻因此被抹煞,獎勵政策對於環境品質的影響如何,引起本研究深入討論的興趣。因此,本研究聚焦在台北市住宅區採用綜合設計開發之案例,比較其與周邊非綜合設計地區各項環境品質評估項目,透過對使用者(包括住戶與非住戶)調查,藉由使用者經驗與感受來分析綜合設計獎勵政策之影響及其成效評估。 研究結果顯示,若以構面分數而言,「視覺性構面」滿意程度最高;若以項目分數而言,則是「徒步空間寬敞舒適」項目滿意程度最高。另外,在受訪者屬性與環境品質評估結果交叉分析後發現,受訪者本身「居住房屋形式」屬性是影響環境品質評估結果差異的主要因素。整體而言,大部分受訪者對於綜合設計地區環境品質滿意度高於非綜合設計地區,且對於綜合設計地區的整體環境品質效果是持正面態度。 因此,本研究認為綜合設計確實對於地區環境品質有所助益,若僅因一樓住戶的私密性問題而取消此項政策甚為可惜。然而,為兼顧住宅行為之需,應重新修正綜合設計獎勵政策目標;在獎勵內容方面,獎勵項目亦有調整必要,應據其貢獻程度給予不同額度的獎勵,以達提升整體居住環境品質之效。


In 1983, the Taipei City Government has initiated the so-called “Comprehensive Design System” through the law-making of “Taipei City Zoning Regulation”. However, due to the social dispute about the openness of the bonus “open space”, “residential zone” was excluded from the application list in 1999. In addition to the potential negative impacts on the environmental quality due to the building height and bonus floor area, the main reason was the management quality of open space. Theoretically, the policy’s objective is to encourage more flexibility in the environmental design in order to get rid of single object in maximizing the floor area. According to the experience of Taipei City, it is interesting that the original idea for “comprehensive design system” is to improve the area environmental quality, but it is cancelled for the conflict with “inadequate openness” of the application areas. This study will focus on the cases of residential areas with the application of “comprehensive design” in Taipei City. Through comparing to neighbor ordinary buildings, user’s experiences will be surveyed to analyze and evaluate the policy’s effects. The result of our survey shows that people are most satisfied with the visibility effects among different dimensions. It is also found that most people are satisfied with the quality of “pedestrian space” among all items of evaluation. Additionally, through the cross analysis, it is found that respondents’ attribute “the type of building” is the most important factor affecting the environmental quality evaluation. Overall, most respondents are more satisfied with the environmental quality in areas with “comprehensive design” than those areas without “comprehensive design”. Therefore, this study concludes that the implantation of “comprehensive design system” is helpful in the improvement of area environmental quality. It’s a pity that the qualification of housing area was concealed simply because of the privacy issue to the residents in the first floor. It is argued that for the needs of residential behaviors, the goals of the policy should be revised. Regarding the provision of incentives, the items should be flexibly adjusted according to the contribution of different case so that the overall environmental quality can be improved.


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劉佳其(2009)。從環境品質面探討都市更新公益性及規劃設計容積獎勵妥適性之研究 -以台北市中山區為例-〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2009.00122
