  • 學位論文


A Summary and Arrange of the Female Research Results in " Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio"in nearly thirty years

指導教授 : 黃麗卿


《聊齋誌異》在中國古典小說史上實具有獨特而重要的意義,其重要性及藝術價值更備受肯定,甚而被稱為「中國傳奇小說史上的高峰之作」。而蒲松齡的《聊齋誌異》又稱《鬼狐傳》,更特別的是,小說中對女性主角的刻劃,雖然大都是以花精鬼狐為主,但她們並非可畏可懼的害人妖物,反而能呈現出人類的真性情,更展現出至情感通之真精神。至今相關「聊齋學」研究成果多元而豐碩,其影響迄今不衰。 然而從《聊齋誌異》這部巨作有大量的篇幅,精彩且深入地探討女性情欲與婚戀、家庭等相關議題,引發學界關注。尤其近三十年在女性主義風潮下,更成為近代女性、兩性等研究焦點,此書在女性議題研究成果極為豐富。其中研究成果中,已見蒲松齡透過《聊齋誌異》一書所要創造「內外兼顧」的理想女性形象,都是在「禮緣情制」的觀念框架中,進行「情禮兼得」之理念的實踐。故其所書寫「善經濟」的女性,大抵是偏向正面人物,或由悍妒婦女轉為賢婦;由此所展現女性在經濟活動的過程中,實有其理想價值的自覺, 因而反思盲目服膺父權的刻板形象。從其價值的體現,更看出關懷社會之用心,以及彰顯人倫禮序之美等等。但目前《聊齋誌異》女性研究成果的整理卻相較不足,因此,本論文所著重的議題,即是以《聊齋誌異》近三十年女性研究成果整理與概述等為主。期望此一研究成果能提供相關學術研究之參考。 本論文計分五章,探討的主題。包含緒論以及《聊齋誌異》近三十年女性研究成果整理與概述,分別從學位論文、期刊、專書等加以省察,以見《聊齋誌異》之女性形象、女性情欲、女性主體意識等研究成果,因不同時期階段而有不同評價論述,大抵可歸納出三種研究成果:一、從父權角度以論《聊齋誌異》女性被壓抑問題。二、從女性主義來論《聊齋誌異》女性顛覆父權之新論述。三、從文本語境與社會發展脈絡深入探究女性處境等問題,以觀《聊齋誌異》女性面臨情感與婚姻議題上,大抵有其自覺選擇之自主智慧等。冀能資藉本論文,提供相關的研究價值。


Pu Songling's "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio", also known as "The History of Ghosts and Foxes", is the focus of modern research. In the past 30 years, under the trend of feminism, this book has made fruitful research results on female issues. Its impact has not faded so far. More particularly, the female protagonists in the novel, although most of them are flower spirits, ghosts and foxes, can show true temperament and the spirit of perfect emotion. From this masterpiece, there is a lot of space, a wonderful and in-depth discussion of women's eroticism, marriage and family affairs. Pu Songling's creation of the ideal female image of "internal and external consideration" through the book "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" is to practice the concept of "love and courtesy" within the framework of his concept of "etiquette and affection". Therefore, the women who wrote "good economics" are mostly positive figures, or turn from jealous women to virtuous women. This shows that women have a sense of ideal value in the process of economic activities, thus overthrowing blindness Obey the stereotyped image of patriarchy. From the manifestation of its value, we can see the care of society and the beauty of human relations. However, the current research results are relatively inadequate. Therefore, the main topic of this article is the compilation and overview of women in "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio" in the past 30 years. It is hoped that this research result can provide relevant academic research reference. This thesis is divided into five chapters and the topics discussed. Contains the introduction and the collation and summary of the research results of women in "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" in the past 30 years. From the dissertations, periodicals, special books, etc., it is hoped that from the reflection of its value, the intention of caring for the society and showing the human relationship The beauty of etiquette.


(清)蒲松齡,張友鶴輯校:《聊齋誌異:會校會注會評本‧聊齋自誌》(臺北: 里仁書局,1991 年 9 月)
(清)蒲松齡原著,陳昌桓、周禾主編:《聊齋誌異全本譯賞》 (武漢:武漢出版社,1993年3月)
二、 現代專書(依作者姓氏筆劃排序)
