  • 學位論文


A great performance─The Study of Sanmao

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


前不久因為一部電影「欲望城市2」而吹起了沙漠風。女孩們爭相穿起長裙,戴起誇張的耳環,模仿起濃濃異國風情的沙漠女子。殊不知,早在七零年代,就已經有一位奇特的女子引領起沙漠風暴。她不是用華美的衣服或是金碧輝煌的場景來吸引人,她用最富特色的文字與融入當地的心情,讓讀者藉由文字也如同和他一起進入了異域。 陳平(1943-1991),本名陳懋平,但她有另一個更廣為人知,且在70年代掀起一波歷時長達近二十之久的筆名------三毛。她在整個華人世界享譽盛名,作品廣為各階層大眾所喜愛,而卻決然於創作盛年之時自縊身亡,使得她的作品一直沒有獲得客觀而冷靜的評論。十多年來,三毛的死非但沒有終止讀者對她的討論,諸多有如考古挖掘式的傳聞流言的陸續出土,反而增添了三毛本人的傳奇色彩與神祕性,當然,也增加了周邊產品的剩餘價值。 若要在流行文學與經典文學之間將她做個定位,則三毛的作品實處在一個尷尬的位置。從三毛逝去這近二十多年的時間,三毛及作品似乎已走過流行,但卻又難入經典之堂。即便如此,這樣的風潮畢竟曾經存在,一個獨特而難以歸類的作家用她簡單的文字滿足了無數讀者對異域、對流浪、對反抗束縛自身桎梏的無限嚮往。 本論文試圖從作者本身人格特質、文本呈現的精神樣貌以及作品創作的時代背景三方面,來對作家魅力風潮的形成做一綜合性分析。本論文先將三毛富傳奇色彩的生平際遇作分期,再結合作品論環境流轉與風格變化間的關係及精神內涵。最後,輔以當代文學背景及大眾心理來看三毛旋風的現象與形成原因。


Of late, styles of the desert have been prevailing thanks to a popular movie “Sex and the City” hitting the screen. Girls start putting on long skirts, wearing eye-catching earrings, imitating girls from faraway countries with exotic fashion. Little is known that, as early as 1970s, a pretty special woman had already led the “storm of desert.” She was not appealing to the world by either extravagant attire or magnificent settings. By utilizing the words rich in specialty and the concerns embedded in the local area, she had led the readers to enter the foreign land via her writings. Ping Chen (1943 – 1991), originally named Mao-ping Chen, had a more well-known pseudonym that had been so popular for almost twenty years—San Mao. She earned her reputation all over the areas that Chinese people used to live in, with her works being favored by both highly-ranked and proletariat populaces. She ended, however, in committing suicide during her own heydays, resulting in the lack of objective comments to her works of writings. The latest ten years or so, though, the death of San Mao has not terminated readers’ discussions about her; in addition, more and more stories about her have been found out, adding color and mystery back to the writer herself. Of course, the surplus value of the peripheral products has also been increased. If we try to designate San Mao to a certain point on the continuum between popular literature and classical literature, she definitely will be located in an awkward position. In the twenty years or so since her death, San Mao and her works seem to have passed the popular stage, but may not enter the palace of classics. Despite these constraints, though, the trend indeed used to exist. A very unique and not easily-classified writer had used her simple words to fulfill numerous readers’ aspirations for foreign land, for being on the drift, and for rejecting the restrictions imposed by the self. This thesis intends to do a synthesized analysis of the formation of the writer’s charm and trend, on the basis of the characteristics of the writer herself, the spirits presented in the works of writings and the then background of the time. The thesis firstly divides her mysterious life into distinct phases, and combines her works to discuss the relations and spirits between the environment changes and her variant styles. Finally, the article takes into consideration the contemporary literature background as well as popular psychology, to probe into San Mao Phenomenon and the possible reasons behind it.


壹、 三毛作品
一、 散文、小說集
《撒哈拉的故事》(台北:皇冠出版社,1989年 7月)


金瑾(2017)。女作家的越界書寫與現代性想像: 以徐鍾珮、吉錚、三毛為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201815541175
