  • 學位論文

互動式電子白板融入合作閱讀策略教學對國小 六年級學生英語學習動機與學習成就影響之研究

The Effects of Interactive Whiteboard Integrated Into Collaborative Strategic Reading On Sixth Graders’English Learning

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


眾所周知,「英語」為現今國際共通的語言,在台灣,「英語教育」更是備受各界的重視;而「閱讀」則為通往世界知識之門,因此,對二十一世紀的學習者而言,「英語閱讀」的能力不但是成功的重要因素,也是能否在地球村通行無阻的必要條件。 本研究旨在探討互動式電子白板融入合作閱讀策略教學 (collaborative strategic reading) 對國小六年級學生英語學習的影響。「合作閱讀策略教學」是美國學者 J. K. Klingner 和 S. Vaughn 於 1999 年提出的一種閱讀策略教學法,此教學法之目的在透過小組討論及合作學習,幫助學生運用閱讀策略,以解讀文本中生字、摘要大意,進而達到閱讀理解。國外許多研究證明「合作閱讀策略教學」可以有效增進第二語言學習者 (second language learners) 的英語閱讀理解能力。 本研究採取準實驗不等組前後測之設計,旨在探討互動式電子白板融入「合作閱讀策略教學」 (collaborative strategic reading) 與傳統「教師主導講述教學」 (teacher-directed reading instruction) 兩種不同教學法對於學生英語學習動機與英語學習成就的影響。研究對象為臺北市某國小六年級的 4 個班級,共 96 位學生(其中兩班為實驗組共 48 位學生,另兩班為控制組共 48 位學生)。進行為期八週、每週 2 節,的實驗教學,期間學生閱讀十本線上英語電子故事書。 於實驗教學前對實驗組與控制組施予研究者自編之「英語學習動機量表」和「英語學習成就測驗」前測,實驗教學結束後再施予後測,並利用「成對樣本 T 檢定」和「單因子共變數」分析對資料進行統計分析。同時於實驗教學結束後,各抽樣實驗組與控制組各 4 名學生,共 8 位學生進行「英語學習心得」半結構式訪談,訪談內容則進行質性分析。另外,再針對實驗組學生施行「合作閱讀策略教學學習心得問卷」後測,並利用「獨立樣本 T 檢定」對資料進行統計分析。 本研究的主要發現為: 一、電子白板融入「合作閱讀策略教學」並未顯著提升國小學童的 英語學習動機。 二、電子白板融入「合作閱讀策略教學」能夠顯著提升國小學童在 字義辨別與閱讀理解上的英語學習成就。 三、大部份的受測學生表示喜歡老師運用電子白板與電子故事書 上英語課。 四、大部份的受測學生表示喜歡小組合作討論學習的上課方式。


It is widely known that English is an international language and reading, the door to the world of knowledge. Thus English and reading educations are highly valued in Taiwan. To 21st century learners, English reading ability is not only an important factor to success but also a necessary access to global village. The Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), with the aim to help students apply reading strategies through group discussion and cooperative learning to understand difficult words in the text, get the gist and gain comprehension, is proposed by J. K. Klinger and S. Vaughn in 1999 and found effective on enhancing reading comprehension in ESL students in the US. This study, adopting a quasi-experimental design, aims to explore the effects of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on sixth graders’ English learning motivation and learning achievement in contrast with those of traditional Teacher-directed Reading Instruction (TRI) by using Interactive Whiteboard and on-line Electronic storybooks. Four sixth grade classes from one elementary school in Taipei, totaling 96 students, participated in this study. Two of the classes formed the experimental group and received instruction of CSR while the other two constituted the control group and received instruction of TRI. All the participants learned ten on-line English stories during eight-week, two-periods-per-week, and forty-minutes-per-period experimental instruction time in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative instruments were employed to collect data. All participants took English Learning Motivation Scale and English Achievement Test before and after the experiment and Paired-Sample T test and One-Way ANCOVA were used to analyze the data. A semi-structured interview was adopted and analyzed qualitatively to provide further understanding to students’ learning responses. In addition, Survey Questionnaires of Learning Reflection on CSR administered to experimental group were analyzed by Independent Sample T Test. The main findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. There was no significant enhancement on English learning motivation for elementary school students in this study. 2. After the intervention of CSR instruction, students with CSR instruction outperformed those of the control group on semantic discrimination and reading comprehension to a statistically significant degree. Therefore, the findings in this study prove that CSR instruction will facilitate students’ English learning. 3. The majority of students in both groups claim they like to learn English through using Interactive Whiteboard and e-books. 4. Most students show positive attitude towards CRS instruction and claim they like to learn English through cooperative learning.


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