  • 學位論文


A Study on Evaluation of Exterior Design of Light Rail Vehicle Considering City Landscape Image Factors

指導教授 : 陶治中


過去以公路行車效率最大化為目標的運輸規劃概念,面臨交通對環境產生負面衝擊的批判聲浪,開始有了回歸「人本交通」的呼籲。近年來蓬勃發展的輕軌運輸系統,即是回應此呼籲的最佳典範。尤其在交通衝擊評估中,「整體性景觀」逐漸受到規劃設計單位的重視,形塑新的城市移動地標亦成為主要目標之一。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試從使用者視角來探討人─輕軌車輛外型─景觀三者之關係,參酌城市意象與景觀評估等理論而歸納影響輕軌車輛外型設計的關鍵因素,據以提出可能的輕軌車輛外型設計方案,再依據視覺導向的互動式問卷結果,建構以複雜性理論為基礎的方案評選模式,確認使用者對輕軌車輛外型的評量尺度,最後則過濾出符合城市意象的輕軌車輛外型設計之關鍵影響因子。 本研究以淡水捷運延伸線為實證分析對象,以德爾菲法(Delphi Method)訪談相關領域之專家學者,篩選出在地化之視覺景觀評估指標,作為後續車輛外型方案設計與建構評估指標體系之參考依據;然後進行互動式問卷調查設計,以視覺模擬技術呈現各輕軌車輛外型設計方案服務於淡水區之樣貌;再依據問卷調查結果,運用加速遺傳演算及指數(0,2)標度法(AGA-ESM)進行輕軌車輛外型設計方案之評選,最後依據評選結果而歸納出淡水地區輕軌車輛外型設計之關鍵影響因子。 本研究所萃取之淡水區城市意象關鍵影響因子,可作為舉辦國際競圖比賽之方案設計概念參考,供國際知名設計公司以不同視角於淡海輕軌車輛外型上詮釋淡水區之”歷史性”與”獨特性”,進而遴選出一最符合淡水民眾強烈歸屬感與認同感之輕軌車輛外型。


The goal of maximizing the optimal efficiency of road transportation is always to be achieved by transportation planners till now. Nevertheless, negative environmental effects caused by growing traffic make people aware that humanity-oriented transportation should be emphasized in transportation planning. In recent years, the promising development of light rail transit system has been promoted to meet this trend. Especially the concept of moving landmark standing for city image becomes one of meaningful factors for shaping city landscape image. This study aims at identifying relationships among users, exterior design of light rail vehicles, and landscape image factors by using interactive visual surveys and complexity theory-based evaluation models. Having reviewed theories of landscape image, key factors relating to exterior design of light rail vehicles are screened and summarized by two rounds of Delphi surveys. These filtered factors are used to propose exterior design alternatives of light rail vehicles. In addition, visual-oriented interactive questionnaires displayed by iPad are used to survey users’ opinions of different exterior design alternatives. With the help of complexity theory the AGA-ESM evaluation model is chosen to rank the priority of alternatives. Finally, the key landscape image factors derived from evaluation results can be identified. A proposed LRT project in Tamsui district of New Taipei City is chosen as the case study. After the research process mentioned above, it is concluded that history and uniqueness of Tamsui old town are both key landscape image factors for exterior design of Tamsui’s light rail vehicles.


1.Lynch, K., The Image of the city, United States of America: M.I.T. Press., 1960.
2.Jackson, J. B., Discovering the Vernacular Landscape, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.


