  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Qiong Yao : The Development of Taiwanese Romance Novels

指導教授 : 周德良


言情小說可說是臺灣通俗文學的先鋒,而且流行至今,歷久不衰,是探究小說與現實關係的良好材料; 臺灣言情小說的發展由五○年代發軔伊始,至今已走過一甲子的歲月,由萌芽而至成熟均與文化工業之興起密不可分;而能將此女性情感,詮釋得淋漓盡致言情小說作家,首推瓊瑤為半世紀以來的代表作家。 瓊瑤從1963年發表《窗外》開始,一直到2003年的《還珠格格》第三部,跨越了六○至九○年代,進入二十一世紀,總共創作了五十四部作品,因為其優美的文筆、戲劇化的情節與流暢的敘事風格,一波三折的愛情歷程,及如何平衡親情與愛情間的衝突,正是瓊瑤顯著的個人風格及特色。她的讀者群分布於台灣、香港、大陸兩岸三地,她的作品藉由電影與電視更加普遍地傳播出去,大多部作品均獲得收視熱潮,所產生的影響當然也就愈來愈廣泛,使「言情」成為電視劇裡相當重要的主題之一。本文對半世紀以來臺灣言情小說作外緣性的研究後,再評析瓊瑤通俗言情小說的情感主題,透過對瓊瑤小說的文本探討瓊瑤大眾言情小說的創作主題,最後肯定瓊瑤小說在華人世界半世紀以來的文化與文學地位地位。 關鍵字 : 瓊瑤、言情小說、女性形象、文化產業


It has been six decades since the development of Taiwanese romance novels in the 1950s. The beginning to the maturity of the novels is closely related to the rise of cultural industry. The purpose of this research is to discuss viewpoints of love in romance novels in Taiwan between 1950 and 21st century. Furthermore, to further extend from the rise background of romance novels. Romantic novels representative writers Qiong Yao, is the most able to interpret this emotion most vividly. Her writings are fluent, fascinating and dramatic-conflicts oriented. She grasps the public attention with the lyrical, poetic firmly. The characters in her romances always cherish the experience of love and affection very much, emphasizing the value of everlasting love. Qiong Yao’s novels gradually adapted from popular films and TV dramas from the 60s to 90s has been already becoming part of moderm culture. Her many works were also adapted for the TV series and resulting in ratings boom in late 80s to 21st century. The themes, structures, roles and artistry of Qiong Yao 's novels and dramas are very unique. Only by analyzing Qiong’s romance fiction can we capture the essence of her works. Qiong Yao affects different generations continuously, and the charm has not diminished. In this thesis, I would like to put Qiong Yao novels back to its original generation to do the research. Not only pointing out its features under different generations but also concerning the crossing regional production of Qiong Yao novels. Hoping it deepen the study scope of Qiong Yao film research. Finally , proposes that Qiong’s fiction have vary high valiue in esthetics ,and explanes the way to syudy Qiong’s fiction in future. Keywords: Qiong Yao、romantic novels 、feminine images、cultural industry


3.瓊瑤:《瓊瑤經典作品全集 14:還珠格格.第一部之二水深火熱》,(台北:春光,2018年)。
4.瓊瑤:《瓊瑤經典作品全集 15:還珠格格.第一部之三真相大白》,(台北:春光,2018年)。
