  • 學位論文


A study of Cuba's medical diplomacy with international humanism

指導教授 : 熊建成


古巴獨立之前,古美的政治經濟關係非常密切,美國提供古巴所需物資及能源,卻在古巴獨立之後,卡斯楚成立新政府新政策,讓美國意識到利益衝突時,美國宣佈與古巴斷交。對古巴進行經濟封鎖,繼絕重要能源之路。古巴轉向依靠蘇聯進口石油,來減低美國禁運對古巴的影響。不幸地,在1990年蘇聯瓦解,再度面臨經濟和能源危機,使得推動國內社會經發展成為一項艱難的任務。 為了強化危機管理能力以提升國際競爭力,上任新政府,切格瓦拉被命為高級官員,在國內推動醫療改革之下成為醫療幕後推手,殊不知,醫療乃成為古巴在外交政策上的手腕。1960年智利大地震首次派遣醫療團隊,奠定古巴醫療援外的經驗。即使缺乏美蘇援外古巴,古巴仍然堅持推動醫療外交策略。對於過去印象中古巴從「革命輸出」改為「醫生輸出」。 本論文將以古巴醫療外交為主軸,從「新現實主義」觀點去分析古巴醫療外交的發展,古巴將外交重心拉回到第三世界的國家為主。在醫療外交計劃分為長短期策略,對短期而言,基於人道主義精神之下,提供救災援助工作;長期計劃則是提供培育醫療人員、推動公共衛生重新建設與改善。 本論文亦分析古巴透過醫療外交的「軟實力」,成功換取古巴所需資源,藉由古巴作為全球之借鏡,醫療外交確實可以改善全人類的健康問題以及緩解國際關係之問題。


Abstract: Before Cuba became independent, Cuba and the U.S. shared a close political and economical relationship. The U.S. provided what Cuba needed such as commodities and energy. After Cuba’s independence and Fidel Castro established a new government and policies, the U.S. realized its conflicts of interest with Cuba, and further terminated its diplomatic relations with Cuba. At the same time of the U.S. set an embargo on Cuba’s economics and important energy import. Therefore, Cuba turned to rely on oil imported from the Soviet Union to reduce the influence of the U.S. embargo. Unfortunately, as the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Cuba faces serious economic and energy crisis again, making it difficult to advance its national development. Mr. Che Guevara was appointed as the president of the National Bank in Cuba’s new government, in order to strengthen its crisis management and national Cuba’s new government in order to strengthen their crisis management of increasing national competitiveness. He was also the main contributor to Cuba national health-care reform, which rendered medical diplomacy a critical foreign policy. Cuba dispatched its first medical team and successfully provided aids to victims of Chile Earthquake in 1960, which laid the foundation of Cuba medical aid policy. Even there was no aid from the U.S. and the Soviet Union, Cuban insists on its medical diplomacy. Cuba transforms itself from a “revolution exported country” turn into “medicine exported country”. This thesis focuses primarily on Cuba medical diplomacy in countries of the Third World from the perspective of Neorealism. The short-termed goal of its medical diplomacy is to offer humanitarian assistance to disaster relief and the long-termed goal is to train as medics and improve its public health system. The policy which offered re-construction and improvements of public health system. The researcher also analyzed the soft power of Cuba medical diplomacy that helps procure its needed resource. From the experience of Cuba, medical diplomacy can be used to address global health issues and international relation.


陳建州,<世界水資源論壇推動乾淨水資源目標>,《中華經濟研究台灣WTO中心》WTO電子報第205期,2012年3月23日,頁13 http://www.wtocenter.org.tw/SmartKMS/do/www/readDoc?document_id=121152,檢視日期:2012/04/12
Brouwer, Steve, Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba Are Changing the World's Conception of Health Care, New York: Monthly Review Press, May 2011, p.28-29
