  • 學位論文


A Study of Continuance Intention in Meal Replacement

指導教授 : 吳坤山
共同指導教授 : 張敬珣(Ching-Hsun Chang)


近年來時尚界對模特兒的審美觀開始強調「瘦就是美」,追求一種「骨感美」的風氣藉由電視、廣播、雜誌及報紙廣告等大眾媒體的渲染之下,普遍大眾身處在崇尚以瘦為美的時代,於是瘦身減重,雕塑體態逐漸成為一種流行趨勢。對於肥胖,則有較多的負面評價。不僅在外觀體型上,肥胖者給人笨拙、行動不靈活的負面觀感更重要的是肥胖會為健康帶來重大的影響。在追求「紙片人」、「骨感美」的風氣盛行下,由此可預見減重食品市場必將蓬勃發展,代餐食品不僅能夠提供減重者足夠的營養且有效控制熱量達到減重目的,且在食用上具有便利性,符合現代國人忙碌的生活步調模式,故在代餐食品市場上有極大的發展潛力與成長空間,因此代餐食品業者如何掌握其消費者的需求以及提高消費者滿意度,致力於提升消費者的再購意願,此為公司經營獲利的重要目標。 本研究主要以食用過代餐食品的女性消費者為研究對象,根據期望確認理論與計畫行為理論為基礎,探討主觀規範及知覺行為控制、期望確認程度、認知有用性、使用滿意度、持續使用意願與推薦意願間之關聯,提供代餐食品業者行銷代餐食品策略擬定參考。 本研究根據理論基礎建立研究架構與研究假說,共回收234份有效問卷,經由SPSS 19.0及VisualPLS 1.04b1統計軟體進行資料分析,研究結果發現: 一、知覺行為控制顯著正向影響認知有用性,主觀規範則無。 二、期望確認程度顯著正向認知有用性及使用滿意度。 三、認知有用性顯著正向影響滿意度與持續使用意願。 四、滿意度顯著正向影響持續使用意願及推薦意願。 最後根據本研究結果,提出管理意涵與建議,提供後續研究方向。


In the recent years fashion world conveys to the public the message that thin is beauty or bony means pretty. Commercial advertisements, TVs and magazines publicize thinness is something beauty. Therefore, slim body gradually becomes a kind of fashion trend. About obesity, the public have more negative opinions for fat persons not only their appearance but also awkward movements. The most important things is that obesity will cause healthy problem. Now, the general atmospheres focus on pursuing ”size zero model” or “skinny”; therefore , the diet food market will be in a vigorous growth. Meal replacement can not only provide enough nutrition for people who want to lose weight but can effectively control calories to get the goal of losing weight. Besides, eating meal replacement is quite convenient that comes up to busy lifestyle of modern people. The key factors for a meal replacement manufacture to obtain the market are to knowing the consumer’s need well, increasing their satisfaction and arousing their repurchasing intention. The main purposes of this study based on the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and Theory of Planned Behavior, (TPB), examine the relationships among perceived behavior control, subject norm, perceived usefulness, expectation confirmation, satisfaction, continuance intention and recommendation intention. This research according to its theoretical foundation, then set up structure and hypotheses.234 effective sample were collected, By SPSS19.0 and VisualPLS 1.04b1 statistics software were used to analyze data and verify the hypotheses, the findings as follows: 1. Perceived behavior control has significant effect on perceived usefulness; subjective norm has not significant effect on perceived usefulness. 2. Expectation confirmation has significant effect on perceived usefulness and satisfaction. 3. Perceived Usefulness has significant positively effect on satisfaction and continuance intention. 4. Perceived Usefulness has significant positively effect on continuance intention and recommendation intention. Finally, according to the empirical results, proposed several managerial implementations and suggestions for future research directions.


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