  • 學位論文


Online Purchasing and the Information Practice of Pre-purchase Decision-Making Behavior Among Young Generation

指導教授 : 王美玉


本研究旨在探究年輕族群網路購物之情形、網路購物購買前決策時的相關資訊實務及電商平台提供之產品資訊對其網路購物購買前決策之影響。 本研究採問卷勾選加上半結構式訪談法作為研究方法來蒐集資料。本研究採立意抽樣透過同儕尋找20到34歲具有網路購物經驗之年輕族群作為研究對象,並利用滾雪球的方式取得更多符合條件之受訪者,共訪談12位具有網路購物經驗之20-34歲年輕族群。 本研究結果顯示,受訪者的網路購物的情形,其中多數受訪者「每月網購1次」;最多網購「文具書籍類產品」;每個月網購花費最多「1000-1999元」;最多瀏覽之電商平台為「蝦皮」;而受訪者申請之電商平台帳號又以「蝦皮、Yahoo商城」為主;部分受訪者提到曾借用「Yahoo商城、PChome、露天拍賣、淘寶」等電商的帳號;全部受訪者使用的付款及取貨方式為「取貨付款」及「超商取貨」。 本研究針對Kalakota&Whinston(1996)之網路購物行為購買前決策中尋求及發現產品與就喜好之產品進行條件決策等兩階段,受訪者所運用之McKenzie(2003)資訊實務,包括主動尋求、主動瀏覽、非直接監測或代理等三個部分。 研究結果發現,受訪者為取得所需產品資訊時,會主動尋求「已知品牌官網」、「已知電商平台」、「已知主題論壇」及「已知販售網站」;主動瀏覽「搜尋引擎」、「電商平台」,及「主動提問或與他人交流」;或透過「社群媒體」、「電商平台」、「搜尋引擎」及「數位人際網絡」非直接監測或代理所需資訊。 另外,受訪者就喜好產品進行條件決策時,會主動尋求「已知電商平台」及「已知品牌官網」;主動瀏覽「專門比較的網站」、「部落客、PTT及Dcard」、「電商平台」、「品牌官網」或透過「主動提問或與他人交流」;或透過「社群媒體」、「電商平台」、「搜尋引擎」、「品牌官網」或「數位人際網絡」非直接監測或代理相關資訊。 根據電商平台提供之產品資訊對受訪者購買前決策之影響,發現電商平台提供之產品資訊的完整度、釋疑度、及客觀度會影響受訪者購買前的決策。 本研究根據研究發現提出下列建議:一、有效推廣優惠活動及差異化商品以吸引消費者至店家或電商平台;二、建立完善的商品資訊以提升消費者使用店家或電商平台與購買之意願;三、提升店家或電商平台的評價與品質以保障消費者,建立永續的消費關係。此外,對未來的研究建議可針對不同年齡層之消費者的網路購物行為與資訊實務會隨著其身分與背景而有所不同,對資訊的取得與使用亦有所區別,因此,本研究對於各種年齡層之消費者的網路購物情形、網路購物購買前決策之資訊實務、及對電商平台提供之產品資訊對其之影響等,亦是值得討論之議題。


The purpose of this study is to explore the situation of young people's online purchasing, the information practices of online pre-purchase decision-making, and how the product information provided by e-commerce affects the online pre-purchase decision-making. This study adopted questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as its research methodology, and twelve respondents were interviewed. This study used purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods to find the young generation who are 20 to 34 years old and have experience in online purchasing. The results of this study show that the respondents' online purchasing situation: most of them do "online purchasing once per month "; the most purchased products online are "stationery and books"; they mostly costs per month for online purchasing are "1000-1999"; the most browsed e-commerce site is "Shopee"; the respondents mainly applied for "Shopee and Yahoo Mall" e-commerce accounts; the interviewees used other e-commerce accounts¸ such as "Yahoo Mall, PChome, Ruten’s"; they mostly used "cash on delivery" and "convenience store pick-up". The results revealed that the respondents would (1) actively seek the product information from the known "official website", "e-commerce", "specific forum" and " specific sales website"; (2) actively scan "search engines", "e-commerce" and "asking or communicating with others"; (3) do non-directed monitoring or by proxy using the information through "Social media", "E-commerce", "search engines" and "Digital interpersonal network". In addition, when respondents make a pre-purchase decision , they will (1) actively seek the known "e-commerce " and "official website"; (2) actively scan "specific compare websites", "blogs, ptt and dcard", " e-commerce, " official website" and "asking or communication with others"; (3) do non-directed monitoring or by proxy using the relevant information through "social media", "e-commerce ", "search engines", "official website" or "digital interpersonal network". It is found that the integrity, dispel doubt, and objectivity of the product information provided by the e-commerce will affect the online pre-purchase decision-making of the respondent. Based on the research findings, this study proposes some suggestions for e-commerce, and also give a recommendation for future research: 1. Proposes some suggestions for e-commerce: (1) Effectively promote preferential activities and differentiated products to attract consumers to the store or e-commerce. (2) Establish consummate product information to enhance consumers' use of stores or e-commerce and purchases. (3) Enhance the evaluation and quality of the store or e-commerce to establish sustainable relationships. 2. Recommendations for future research: It is also worthy to discuss the online purchasing situation, the information practice of online pre-purchase decision-making, and the impact of product information provided on the e-commerce of consumers of all ages.


丁國章、曾相榮、潘昭儀(2010)。網路購物行為之消費者知覺風險研究。行銷評論,7(3) ,381-412。
