  • 學位論文


The Prospect of P2P Insurance Development in Taiwan

指導教授 : 田峻吉


金融科技在保險領域日漸重要,P2P保險是國外互聯網保險發展的新趨勢,P2P保險應用許多金融科技如大數據、區塊鏈等,呈現出嶄新的保險營運模式。台灣相較於國外保險市場,受限於法規限制下,P2P保險想要進入台灣仍有一定難度,進入後要取得消費者的信任可能也需要一段時間,無法在短時間內迅速發展。過去文獻很少探討有關P2P保險的應用與發展,因此本研究最主要的是探討P2P保險在台灣發展的前景。 本研究回顧國外P2P保險的發展狀況與案例,並且探討P2P保險在遵循法令的前提下,如何在台灣發展推行。本研究透過問卷分析收集受訪者的意見作為分析依據,將回收之問卷運用基本統計量敘述分析、單因子變異數分析及羅吉斯迴歸分析,探討受訪者對於對於P2P保險的接受程度。研究實證結果發現受訪者的年齡為41~50歲,較願意接受違約風險較低的P2P保險(經紀人模式)。如果受訪者為已婚者、子女數為1位、目前有購買年金保險或健康保險者,即願意接受保費較高的P2P保險(經紀人模式),受訪者常在網路上購物、年齡為31~40歲和41~50歲者、月平均所得為3萬~5萬者、目前有購買年金保險或火災保險者,整體而言願意接受P2P保險(經紀人模式)。根據實證結果,如果未來台灣通過監理沙盒法案要開放P2P保險,會以P2P保險經紀人模式較為合適。


As financial technology is becoming more important in the insurance field, P2P insurance is a new trend in the development of internet insurance in foreign countries. P2P insurance which is applied by many financial technologies such as big data and blockchain presents a new insurance operation model. In Taiwan, as the regulatory envioronmetn is more restrictive comparing to the foreign insurance market, P2P insurance has some difficulties to enter Taiwan insurance market. It may take more time to obtain consumers’ trust even if P2P insurance entered Taiwan insurance market. Thus, P2P insurance cannot develop rapidly in Taiwan. As the literature rarely discussed the application and development of P2P insurance, the purpose of this study is to investigate P2P insurance development in Taiwan. This study reviews the development status and cases of P2P insurance in foreign countries. Then, we discuss how P2P insurance can be developed in Taiwan under the premise of following the laws and regulations. By using the questionnaire collected by the respondents, this study analyzes the willingness of purchase P2P insurance. The empirical results showed that respondents were 41 to 50 years old have more willingness to accept P2P insurance (based on broker mode) with lower default risk. If the respondent is married, has only one child, and currently has an annuity insurance or health insurance, he (or she) has more willingness to accept P2P insurance with higher premium (based on broker mode). Respondents which often shop online, aged 31 to 40 and 41 to 50, the average monthly income is 30,000 to 50,000, having annuity insurance or fire insurance have more willingness to accept P2P insurance (based on broker mode). According to the empirical results, if Taiwan deregulate P2P insurance through the supervision of the sandbox bill in the future, it will be more appropriate to adopt the P2P insurance based on broker model.


P2P insurance FinTech Blockchain Mutual Organization


